Detection of an acidic (CO2, SO2) or basic (NH3) gas by monitoring a dielectric relaxation of a reaction product (for example of a zwitterion) of an acid-base reaction of the gas with a chemical compound (like DBU) using an integrated circuit...
SO2is an acidic gas, and when it reacts with the basic solution of calcium hydroxide in limewater, it neutralizes the base and forms a salt (calcium sulfite) and water. This reaction is often used as a test for the presence of SO2 gas. When SO2 is bubbled through limewater, the ...
Compared with conventional acidic oxide carriers such as TiO2, it is easier to adsorb acid reaction molecules SO2, which is conducive to the adsorption and activation of reaction molecules, thereby improving the catalytic activity. According to the Tanabe rule, the coordination charge number of ...
recommended videos properties of sulphur dioxide it is a colourless gas with a rotten egg odour. it is highly soluble in water. it liquefies easily. so 2 dissolves in water to form sulphurous acid due to which it possesses an acidic character. h 2 o + so 2 → h 2 so 3 it ...
and the exhaust gas is fed from the bottom of the tower through the packing layer. continuous through the voids of the packing layer. On the surface of the packing, the gas-liquid two phases fully contact, absorb and neutralize the reaction, and adsorb the acidic or basic pollutants...
Garty J, Tamir O, Levin T, Lehr H (2007) The impact of UV-B and sulphur- or copper-containing solutions in acidic conditions on chlorophyll fluorescence in selected Ramalina species. Environ Pollut 145:266–273 Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Genty B, Briantais JM, Baker NR (1989) ...
As predicted by the EERC model, results showed that the more acidic SO3 component is able to increase the initial reactivity of the carbon surface, an effect similar to that shown for HCl. These new results will be presented as they are being incorporated and integrated into the sorbent-...
Statement II: Bleaching action bySO2is due to reduction of the substance which undergoes further oxidation by air, while that ofH2O2orCl2is due to oxidation of the substance. View Solution Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, ...
【多选题】以下哪些属于金山毒霸的特点【单选题】The main products of the reaction of H2O2with Fe2+under acidic conditions are ( )【单选题】当电动机接成接成Y形,加在每相定子绕组上的起动电压只有△形的【多选题】牛常用的保定方法有( )。【单选题】请选出语义相近的用语【单选题】___ an ...
View Solution Bleaching action ofH2O2is due to its : View Solution Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12, IIT JEE prep, NEET preparation and CBSE, UP Board, Bihar Board...