评论哈|如何工业制学校: SO2+Hcl=School 来自: 邱秋 2021-08-09 08:24:39 已编辑 赞 回复 转发 赞 收藏 只看楼主 最赞回复已注销 2021-08-09 08:40:40 笑点起点过高了,九漏鱼笑不出来… 赞(388) 回复 挪挪 2021-08-09 08:53:51 哈哈哈哈哈哈制青蛙那个还配水,笑死 赞(225) 回复 艾九...
学校就是SCHOOL,所以学校=SO2+HCL,给我们毒傻了 分享 收藏 5评论0 最热评论 评论 该内容来自 光·遇 进入圈子 光遇聊天室 热门前往聊天室 交友唠嗑、复刻预测、互心互火>> 福利中心 绑定奖励 爱心*2 领取 累计签到1天 随机魔法*1 领取 累计签到28天 体型重塑及其它道具 领取 每周看视频奖励 蜡烛*3随机魔法...
A.SO2 B.Cl2 C.HCl D.NH3 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 【答案】D 【解析】试题分析:浓硫酸具有酸性和强氧化性,只能用于干燥酸性、中性且与浓硫酸不发生氧化还原反应的气体;NH3溶于水显碱性,不能用浓硫酸干燥,选D。考点:考查干燥剂的选择。结果一 题目 Thirteen, for me, was a challenging year. My par...
我们不妨先写出第一步反应NaAlO2+HCl+H2O=Al(OH)3+NaCl由该反应方程式可知NaALO2:HCl=1:1 离子方程式为H+ + ALO2- +H2O =AL(OH)33.少量NaAlO2滴入盐酸溶液中 即HCl过量 可以与Al(OH)3继续反应同样我们先写出第一步NaAlO2+HCl+H2O=Al(OH)3+NaClAl(OH)3继续反应第二步Al(OH)3+3HCl=AlCl3+3H2O将...
Combining our observations with simulated spectra generated with the 1-D line-by-line multiple scattering Spectral Mapping and Atmospheric Radiative Transfer (SMART) model, we produced the first simultaneous spatially-resolved maps of the mixing ratios of H2O, HCl, CO, OCS, and SO2 in the ...
(银氨溶液),B选项不正确, 将Cl 2通入AgNO 3溶液中,氯气先和水反应生成次氯酸和盐酸,Cl 2+H 2O=HCl+HClO,HCl电离出的Cl -和AgNO 3反应生成AgCl沉淀,Cl -+Ag +=AgCl↓,C选项正确,将NO 2通入Ca(OH) 2溶液中,可认为NO 2先和水反应生成硝酸和NO,硝酸再和Ca(OH) 2反应生成Ca(NO 3) 2和水,...
今天做几道化学题,给大家总结了这么几个化学常考方程式,一定要记牢! Ba+2Na=Banana(工业制香蕉) Mn+O2=moon(工业制月亮) SO2+HCL=school(工业制学校) N2+O2+2S=2son(工业制双胞胎) 工业制 - 想神马来神马于20240716发布在抖音,已经收获了18.9万个喜欢,来抖音,记录
Briefly, the HCl removal amount was 0.53 mmol for OH⋅Mg–Al LDH and 0.49 mmol for CO3⋅Mg–Al LDH in 90 min. The NO2 removal amount was 0.09 mmol for OH⋅Mg–Al LDH and 0.07 mmol for CO3⋅Mg–Al LDH in 90 min. The SO2 removal amounts by the LDHs were comparable ...
Liquid‐phase mass transfer coefficients were measured in three ways—(a) CO2 absorption into water, (b) SO2 absorption into 1kmolm?3 of HCl, and (c) O2 absorption into Na2SO3—and then normalized to the coefficient for SO2. Based on transient experiments, the normalized values for liquid‐...
adding HCl and NaOH and was measured by an acidimeter (Kedida instrument Co., CT-6023, China). Solution tempera- tures were adjusted to the required temperatures by the com- bination use of the constant temperature water bath 21 and