网络释义 1. 移位算子时域有限差分 ...结合频域到时域的转换关系(即用 / t代替jω)和移位算子时域有限差分(SO-FDTD)方法提出了一种适用于各向同性常见 …|基于3个网页 2. 移位算子时域有限差分方法 介绍了色散介质的移位算子时域有限差分方法(SO-FDTD).通过将色散介质的介电常数写成有理...
magnetized ferriteFDTDshift operator method 磁化铁氧体FDTD移位算子法将移位算子(shift operator,SO)-时域有限差分(fintie difference time domain,FDTD)方法推广到外磁场沿任意方向时磁化铁氧体的情形.从磁化铁氧体的相对磁导系数张量和各向异性情形下Maxwell旋度方程出发,推导出外磁场沿任意方向情形下磁化铁氧体电磁...
关键词:磁化等离子体;SO-FDTD方法;入射电磁波中图分类号:TN011 文献标志码:A FDTD方法是一种计算诸如磁化等离子体等频率色散介质的有效方法ll .近十年来,随着国内外学者不断努力,FDTD方法得到了长足的发展,出现了很多处理色散介质的FDTD算法.这些算法主要包括 ADE方法 ]、递归卷积(RC)方法“ J、分段线性递归卷积(...
系,形成SO-FDTD方法.应用该方法计算了冷等离子体平板对电磁波的反射系数,通过与解析结果的比较,验证了 该算法的高效性和高精度,同时,应用SO-FDTD方法,计算了等离子体层对垂直入射电磁波的反射系数,结果表明: 等离子体厚度、电子密度、电子密度的分布形式和入射波频率是影响反射系数的重要因素. ...
To solve EM scattering by complex target with plasma coat, a new conformal method is put forward based on the shift operator finite-difference time-domain (SO-FDTD) method in this paper, by equaling electric parameters in the grids located at the intersection of dispersive media and non-disper...
Moneva、FDTD - So Pretty
Í understand that the software has a source power by default and the results are normalized and don't matter the input source power because the software is normalized and the source only depend on frequency, but; Why the solver FDTD work with a source power...
Numerical dosimetry with the computational human model using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method has recently been used for a safety assessment of electromagnetic field applications. However, the FDTD calculation runs very slowly and requires a large amount of computational memory. We focus...
网站导航:FDTD>列表1 题目: 通信概述-TDD与FDD的差别() A 帧结构差异FDD.TDD帧结构不同 B 双工模式差异FDD.TDD双工方式不同 C 多址方式差异FDD.TDD多址方式不同 D 带宽差异FDD.TDD支持的带宽不同 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: 通信概述-【不定项选择】TDD与FDD的差别() A 带宽差异FDD.TDD支持的...