That's So Weird!: Created by Jeff Copeland. With Kayla Lorette, Alex Spencer, AJ Vaage, Alana Johnston. A show starring wacky, silly, humorous skits sometimes based on other shows.
Jun 21, 2024: It’s really weird to me that Final Cut Pro for iPad with a new iPad is needed to do multicam with iPhones or iPads, when I’ve got a Mac Studio on my … Jun 21, 2024: Send help. I sat on the deck for breakfast & coffee and now I can’t get up. Jun 21...
Why South Korea looks so weird on Google Maps: With Mehmed Emirhan. Google Maps does not provide the level of detail for South Korea that it does for the rest of the world. The reason is South Korea does not want North Korea to have readily available tar
“Thank you, The Mandalorian. Weird that I hired you and still don’t know your name. Also, just out of curiosity, what did you do with the severed hand that came with this?” Anyway… Another thing I find completely intriguing about the show and the character is the complete and utter...
five comedians are set a series of weird, creative and entirely pointless challenges by the show’s creator Alex Horne, and their performance is then judged by the Taskmaster Greg Davies. That premise barely touches on the laughs contained within –Taskmaster’s not just a TV show, it’s a...
tryweirdier / videojs-contrib-hls dsphinx / videojs-contrib-hls dut3062796s / videojs-contrib-hls dwes / videojs-contrib-hls eailoo / videojs-contrib-hls efateva / videojs-contrib-hls ekapujiw2002 / videojs-contrib-hls el-beth / videojs-contrib-hls elhampour / videojs-...
(Weird footnote: Morris yearns for the good old days “back when Coldplay still played clubs.”) Jamila Woods, ‘Legacy! Legacy!’ Chicago r&b poet Jamila Woods generated her first major who is she?! moment beside Chance the Rapper in the “Sunday Candy” video by Donnie Trumpet and the...
Always bring a redheaded friend so you can find yourself on TV. We marveled at this fact for a good long while, taking pictures of/with Stan (that’s what I call him now that we’re friends who’ve spent time together.) Several active duty servicemen were on hand to ensure thatwepeo...
“Pachinko” opening — but with stoney faces and cumbersome movements. The number is an ideal primer for this show’s eccentric and ultimately engaging tone, a thesis statement that somehow says “Hey. Shit’s gonna be weird. But you’re going to have a great fucking time watching it.”...
“It's a weird one where you're not even allowed to question it. You're not allowed to discuss,” Rogan said, as Vance agreed. “I know people who are public people who have had serious vaccine side effects who do not want anyone to talk about absolutely, they'r...