Jun 21, 2024: It’s really weird to me that Final Cut Pro for iPad with a new iPad is needed to do multicam with iPhones or iPads, when I’ve got a Mac Studio on my … Jun 21, 2024: Send help. I sat on the deck for breakfast & coffee and now I can’t get up. Jun 21...
Stream on: Channel 4 (UK only) If you’re not on theTaskmastertrain yet, take our word that there isn’t a more reliably funny show on television. Every series, five comedians are set a series of weird, creative and entirely pointless challenges by the show’s creator Alex Horne, and ...
Querying somewhere in the middle of your career! This thing that feels extremely weird because not only have you had an agent before, but you’ve been onbookshelvesbefore. “How am I back at the beginning??” you wonder. “Aren’t I supposed to be past this??”...
they didnt keep Wilson as a boring default character nor give him interesting features, they went with this weird middle ground and it just looks depressing This is what I was just thinking. He's neither a Default character, Nor a actually good character. It would have been fine if he ...
It’s weird to ask for nuance from the absolute highest end of excess in the beer world. I need some soft poetic DMs not just full frontal out of the gates. There’s no pageantry here, it’s immediately six pics sent in vanish mode with a little bomb just letting you know the eroti...
“this is a strange place that has created incredible things in the world and therefore attracts these types of people and enables these types of people. how could it be anything but weird and dramatic and people on the edge testing everything?” on the one hand, he said, “if y...
$ yt-dlp --print filename -o "test video.%(ext)s" BaW_jenozKc test video.webm # Literal name with correct extension $ yt-dlp --print filename -o "%(title)s.%(ext)s" BaW_jenozKc youtube-dl test video ''_ä↭𝕐.webm # All kinds of weird characters $ yt-dlp --print...
This weird state of mania culminates in the spectacle, repeated up and down England, of journalists standing outside football stadia, accompanied by small groups of eccentric football fans, most of whom are no better or worse informed about what’s going on than the journalists they spend this...
Absolutely kills me from start to finish. Pure gold. Here's the weird thing: According to the DVD, they were almost finished filming when they realized that Murray and Chase hadn't appeared on screen together, so they came up with that hokey premise -- Ty Webb night golfing, hours before...
I edited this while on a great deal of nyquil so if anything looks weird let me know. This entry was originally posted at https://mhalachai.dreamwidth.org/326826.html. There are currently comments. Tags: hands of clay, kidfic Leave a comment Share Flag Link the new tumblr update ...