Too. The price was too high. You didn't have enough money. Therefore, you could not buy it. You could use 'so' here to mean it wasvery expensive. But if you want to express that the price was higher than you could afford, usetoo expensive. fast very fast so fast too fast Those ...
As far as American English goes, we use "very" a lot, "really" a lot. We use "pretty," "so," and "such" as well. I would say "quite" is maybe the least used from this group and maybe "such" as well too, from time to time, we use "such" too, but maybe these four ...
they used excessive f they value openness they ve been busy they ve gone they very benignity they very sad they waited not for h they waived this righ they wanna talk they want escapism they want romance they wear hard hats they went too far they were gaga over t they were menthol they...
they admired our gard they all cried they all look pretty they all very tasty they also have passio they also like carrot they always say they always tell me w they appointed him ch they are doing their they are incapable of they are norwegians they are ordinary peo they are still wran...
"Tutorial porn offers a very different experience to more 'traditional' porn, as rather than watching other people have sex, you become an active participant, interacting with the instructor. It also puts the focus on your pleasure rather than someone else's," he tells Mashable. ...
SO_KEEPALIVE套接字选项旨在允许应用程序为套接字连接启用保持连接数据包。 若要查询此套接字选项的状态,请调用getsockopt函数。 若要设置此选项,请使用以下参数调用setsockopt函数。 套接字选项值 表示此套接字选项的常量0x0008。 语法 C++复制 intsetsockopt( (SOCKET) s,// descriptor identifying a socket(int)...
Microsoft Certified Master: The Very Beginningest Days of September Here’s what I hear about registration for the Master program you’ve been chatting with... Author: Trika Date: 08/20/2008 Go watch Family Guy (or, 71-652) Looking like 70-652: TS: Windows Server Virtualization, Configuri...
The RNN mode is very hardware-friendly (processing-in-memory). Can be a SNN too ( I wonder if it can be optimized for quantum computation. Trainable initial hidden state (xx aa bb pp xx). Layerwise (or even row/column-wise, elementwise) LR, ...
This is due to the fact that in order to be reported as a COVID-19 positive, one needs to be tested, and in the first wave (especially at the very start of it, i.e., the period we are studying) one also needed to have symptoms in order to be able to access the test. Lauer...
The startup of the emulator is very slow. The good thing is that you only need to start the emulator once. If the emulator is already running and you run your app again, the emulator reinstalls the app relatively quickly. Of course, if you want to know how fast it will run on a ...