"They never told me not to tell anyone. In so many words. And it is funny. Maybe you could put it in a story with different names and whatnot. Listen, Fred," she said, reaching for another apple, "you've got to cross your heart and kiss your elbow -- " Perhaps contortionists c...
Clearly, there are many reasons why people reject God’s indescribable gift of eternal life. It is no wonder why the disciples asked our Lord,“Then who can be saved?”Jesus said to them,“With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible”(Matthew 19:25-26). The L...
It is a kind of personal love, as one has for a person to whom one is grateful for many things. — Lise Meitner 51 Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to. — ...
Here we are not ‘altogether lovely;’ for we have many dregs of sin, many infirmities and stains.Shall we not, then, desire that time wherein, as he is ‘altogether lovely,’ so shall we be made a fit spouse for so glorious a husband?
From what I understand from people who voted for the current administration, many were unhappy about the way things were going and wanted to change. I always say be careful what you wish for. So a change we got. We now have the disrupter in chief. Some say he uses disruption as a neg...
Jesus and His Word, so people will not know what is happening. This is happening now-refMatt 24:37;Luke 17:28-29;2 Pet 2:4-8;Rev 3:14-22. In this time of many enjoyable things to do and see, both Christians and non-Christians have no desire to deny themselves. Satan puts in ...
to understand and know. And God, in His infinite wisdom and immeasurable creativity, used a hip Sister of Mercy from down under to get this message out to millions of people, many of whom had perhaps never had – and maybe otherwise never would have – heard these words of Jesus. ...
For many people in the West, March 13 will be scary. It is said that there are millions of people who will be so scared that they will refuse to get out of bed all day! 【1】 Being nervous about Friday the 13th is a superstition (迷信). 【2】 Many buildings don’t have a 13th...
i suffered many hards i suggest putting thi i supposed i should i suspect had arrived i swear those guys di i swim i table i take off my pajamas i take your hand in m i talk about the huns i tant-heat thin-film i teach myself french i teased him i tell him quietly i tell my...
There are so many things to do for families here, in a comfortable, beautiful setting. You can stay for a short amount of time, but like I mentioned earlier, where you save the most money is on stays longer than a few days, because there is a one-time cleaning fee included. And of...