发现《Bunny, Bunny, Bunny》 我的随手画 生活 绘画 同人 绘画 指绘 MEME Sans Undertale au FlipaClip nightmare sans一只非常屑的caidi 发消息 放下过去成就自己 接下来播放 自动连播 [night sans/个人向]So bitter 一只非常屑的caidi 201 0 晒谷来B站! 来B站晒谷,赢大额流量与奖金!
Santaalika创建的收藏夹meme内容:so funny bro,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
4. This meme sums up ENFPs in conversation perfectly… the combination of wanting to tell people things they are excited about, whilst also trying not to upset them and interrupt. Source: @enfpsychology ENFPs sometimes struggle to fit in 5. People often assume that ENFPs are cute, fun, l...
This happens to most memes; it's only a very select few Meme Hall of Famers, like Distracted Boyfriend, which transcend their popularity and stay funny in perpetuity even as their actual presence drains away. There is one very clear signal that a meme has gone full dad joke....
(if they even have that.) The art of networking is hidden, out of sight and unknown. By being on social media and talking to other authors, you hear about opportunities. An author friend of mine got excited about the storming Area 51 meme. Produced an anthology about what would happen ...
So excited to save money and get all of the things I need to stay on track. I’m going to start cooking right after I publish this…on the menu for the beginning of the week: Chicken Chow Mein and another round of Spicy ground turkey and green beans..I just didn’t get enough ...
Dec 5, 2024: It’s so funny how a dog is basically speed running having a kid. Neville Dogbottom is ~5 months but now going through the puberty stage where … Dec 5, 2024: This is my must hear during the holidays song. The Edge’s jingle jangley outro makes me feel like I’m ...
Depression is a common mental health disorder, contributing to the popularity of memes about it. While utilizing humor can be a positive coping mechanism, it does not replace proper treatment for those who may need it. Overcoming it is a process that can require ongoing attention. Reaching out...
The innovation on this app must be super-impressive, possibly because they use “AI” and “NLP” acronyms enough to get greedy techies way too excited. https://i.ytimg.com/ Also, you have to be a Twitter user who actually posts things AND you can’t utilize these amazing feats in art...
READ MORE:The Top 65 Most Funny & Unique Wi-Fi Names [2024 List] ➜ 3. If You Weren’t Informed The phrase “If you weren’t informed” allows you to inform others about what’s been going around. It is a straightforward and formal way to keep them in theloopand get them up to...