Itisn’tthatdifficult to build a truck that is 'man enough' for any job; the skill lies in designing a truck that can do it economically. 生产一款可胜任任何林业工作的卡车并不难,困难的是设计一款具有较高运营经济性的卡车。
person is shocked by a thing that is shocking. You could also say "I was so shocked by that...
@tankoguma Thank you very much It is very interesting how Particles could change totally the meaning, it is a bit difficult to get used of it, I hope to be able soon @
boring、tedious、dull 這三個形容詞都能描述令人感到很無聊、枯燥、乏味,其中 tedious 的念法比較困難,一起來聽聽看吧! 使用70年代電腦小孩哀嚎「這啥鬼」 2. What a bore! 這真無聊! bore 當名詞的話,意思是令人感到無聊的人或事,所以這句話的表達方式為「這真是件無聊透頂的事」或「這人說的話真無聊」。
upwards, which gave rise to a new paradigm that the art market was immune to other economic forces. The sales of paintings by the genuine masters continued to create new records over the past few years: Edvard Munch’sThe Scream(1895) ...
A:Chances are highthat you won the lottery. B: Sure…… when pigs fly. A: 我覺得你中樂透的機率蠻大的。 B: 當然⋯⋯想得美。 6. 我不怕冷。 ( X ) I’m not afraid of cold. ( O ) The cold doesn’t bother me. afraid of 後面只能接具體的名詞,例如:I’m afraid of cockroach...
It takes a lot of efforts to change the bias towards the image created by using your words. If we want the public to have the right mind -set from the very beginning. It is very important to use the right words from the beginning. That is is reason why I emphasis the important of ...
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave ...