The turn- off dV dt of the conducting SCR becomes a static forward blocking dV dt for the other device. Use the SCR data sheet ǒ ǓdV dt s rating in the snubber design. A SCR used inside a rectifier bridge to control an ac load will not have a half cycle in which to recover....
Another common name for the thyristor is “SCR” for Silicon Controlled Rectifier. This name refers to the fact that a typical thyristor is unidirectional in current flow and therefore it “rectifies” current (like a diode) but unlike a diode, it's turn-on is controlled (but not its ...
An inverter with passive and active regenerative snubbers is presented in this paper. A single phase full bridge inverter with passive regenerative snubber uses a diode and capacitor for each main switch to provide low dv/dt, low switching stresses and to achieve zero voltage switching (ZVS) tur...
Looking at the bipolar elements, for an emitter current Io~, the collector current to the substrate is (fl/(fl + 1))Ioi and current from the base is (1/(fl + 1))Ioi. Since the base of each stage is connected to the next stage emitter, the set of equations are formed as ...
Moreover, an improved loading method is proposed to improve the duty ratio range. In order to verify the effectiveness of the controller, a prototype was developed. The simulation and experimental results demonstrate that soft-switching can be realized for the entire load range. The maximum duty ...