log.info("wlan", "IP_READY", result, data) --成功获得ip后自动连接ntp服务器并同步更新系统时间,完成后提示:D/sntp time sync done sys.wait(2000) end sys.taskInit(function() get_ip() --成功获得ip后自动连接ntp服务器并同步更新系统时间,完成后提示:D/sntp time sync done --eink_init_all_pu...
Any thoughts on that - what should be done to get rid of these ? 0 Kudos Mohammed Faiz Honored Contributor 04-21-2010 02:00 AM Re: Time Sync - SNTP and Summer Time Hi rihatum,Best to start a new thread for this so everyone can contribute :) 0 Kudos ...
Enabling the SNTP mode means to configure it for either broadcast or unicast mode. Remember that to run SNTP as the switch's time synchronization protocol, you must also select SNTP as the time synchronization method by using the CLItimesynccommand (or the menu interfaceTime Sync Methodparameter...
sntp_set_time_sync_notification_cb(time_update_callback); sntp_init();// 启动校时 } 注意:不使用sntp_set_time_sync_notification_cb()注册同步成功回调时,也可以使用sntp_get_sync_status()轮询检测同步是否完毕 三、获取系统时间 staticstructtmtimeinfo={0};// 时间寄存器 time_tnow =0; time(&now...
(): HTTP server setup done. sntp_process: Thu Mar 8 14:03:11 2018 , 58201 ussntp_recv: Scheduled nexttimerequest: 3600000 ms [I][ntptask.ino:30]ntpTask(): NTP sync @ Thu Mar 8 14:03:11 2018 [I][dimmertask.ino:9]dimmerTask(): Default timers loaded. [E][Preferences.cpp:457...
if (uxBits & ESPTOUCH_DONE_BIT) { esp_sntp_config_t config = ESP_NETIF_SNTP_DEFAULT_CONFIG("pool.ntp.org"); esp_netif_sntp_init(&config); if (esp_netif_sntp_sync_wait(pdMS_TO_TICKS(20000)) != ESP_OK) { printf("Failed to update system time within 20s timeout"); } time_t ...
This is done after with a call to the sntp_setservername function. This function receives as first input the number of the server and as second the address of the server. In the case of the Arduino core, only a single time server is supported. After this, the sntp_init function is ca...
我的目标是将计算机时间与以下时间服务器同步: time.nist.gov 下面是我在代码中可以使用的库和代码的链接:源获取NTPClient.cs文件 以下代码的源代码 当我运行代码时,我得到了如下所示的图像,其中显示了正确的时间: 我认为但不确定重要的是: client.Connect(true); 正如intellisense所说的,"true“意味着"...
Re: NTP vs SNTP, Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? Especially a PC - From what I've seen online, it appears that Windows PCs use NTP as you mentioned. You may be able to get more information by enabling the NTP debug on the AOS device. ...
Any thoughts on that - what should be done to get rid of these ? 0 Kudos Mohammed Faiz Honored Contributor 04-21-2010 02:00 AM Re: Time Sync - SNTP and Summer Time Hi rihatum,Best to start a new thread for this so everyone can contribute :) 0 Kudos ...