sntp_time类型如下: struct sntp_time { u32_t sec; //秒 u32_t frac; //毫秒 }; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 返回值: 无 正如在文章开头所讲的那样,SNTP是根据时间差来进行校准时间,计算后得到结果后,需要关注的函数是SNTP_SET_SYSTEM_TIME,后续的数据处理,都在该函数中进行。 #define SNTP_SET_SYSTEM_TI...
",sntp_get_real_time(time)); } vTaskDelay(500); } vTaskDelete(NULL); } //Sntp_init 初始化voidSntp_init(void){ xTaskCreate(ATaskSntp, "Sntp",512,NULL,4,NULL); } 在include目录下新建 user_sntp.h文件,并添加声明 登录后复制voidATaskSntp(void*pvParameters);voidSntp_init(void); 在user...
刷新esp-idf环境 get_idf 配置项目 menuconfig 打开项目配置菜单( menuconfig): 在Example Connection Configuration菜单下配置WiFi或以太网。 在Example Configuration菜单下Time synchronization method选项中的三种可用方法中选择一种方法来同步时间(默认update time immediately when received)。 时间同步周期...
30.3.1 函数sntp_get_time 函数原型: BOOL sntp_get_time ( U8* ipadr, /* NTP/SNTP服务器IP地址 */ void (*cbfunc)( /* 回调函数,接收到NTP消息会触发 */ U32 utc_time) ); /* 接收到的UNIX时间戳,从1970.1.1开始所经历的秒数 */ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 函数描述: 函数sntp_get_t...
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Time is not set yet. Connecting to WiFi and getting time over NTP."); obtain_time(); // update 'now' variable with current time time(&now); } #ifdef CONFIG_SNTP_TIME_SYNC_METHOD_SMOOTH else { // add 500 ms error to the current system time. ...
(where this service is available). SNTP does not differ greatly from current and previous NTP versions. But its simpler, Is a stateless remote procedure call (RPC), whose accuracy and reliability are similar to the UDP/TIME protocol in RFC868 description The expected. This memo eliminates the...
The sntp program is a Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) client that is used to query a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server. The sntp command displays the offset time of the system clock with respect to the server clock. If the root user of the system runs the sntp command, the sntp ...
(0,""); sntp_init(); }voidinit_sntp(){if(isSet()) { ESP_LOGW(TAG,"init_sntp called although already set inited_sntp: %d", inited_sntp); } initialize_sntp();time_tnow =0;structtmtimeinfo= {0};intretry =0;constintretry_count =10;intstatus = sntp_get_sync_...
Another thing is, that SNTP_SET_SYSTEM_TIME_US macro adds value DIFF_SEC_1970_2036 (2085978496L) to seconds value. Shouldn't that be rather subtracted and the value should be something like DIFF_SEC_1900_1970 (nonexistent constant I made up), since NTP time is 1900 based and unix time...