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124, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea 电话+82-2-3279-5000 / 传真 +82-2-702-5130 网站导航 Copyright (c) SNT Dynamics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. RELATED SITE SNT Holdings SNT Dynamics SNT Motiv SNT Energy SNT AMT SNT Bank SNT Solution Woon Hae Foundation 公司介绍 概况 ...
SNT 에너지,SNT Energy,SNT그룹,Air Cooler,공랭식열교환기,H.R.S.G,Heat Recovery Steam Generator,배열회수보일러,Surface Condenser,복수기,S.C.R System,Selective Catalyic Reduction System,환경사업
2007年12月在中国江苏昆山成立爱思恩梯大宇汽车部件 (昆山) 有限公司[S&T Daewoo Automotive Components (Kunshan) Co.,Ltd.]。 2008年04月获得GM 2007年度Supplier of the Year。 2008年06月在印度成立S&T Daewoo India Private Ltd.。 2009年04月获得GM 2008年度Supplier of the Year。
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The company was founded on April 1, 1959 and is headquartered in Changwon-si, South Korea. VALUATION P/E Current N/A P/E Ratio (w/ extraordinary items) N/A P/E Ratio (w/o extraordinary items) 6.51 Price to Sales Ratio 0.66 Price to Book Ratio 0.46 Price to Cash Flow Ratio 2.96...
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