It can mean "Say Nothing," "Sike Nah," or "Screen Name." Below is more information about each of these definitions with examples of use. Say Nothing The abbreviation SN is widely used in text messaging with the meaning "Say Nothing." In this context, it is most commonly an order to...
What does Score Really Mean? 那么,分数到底意味着什么呢? 我们知道,数据往往是多维的。由分数的定义以及从数学的角度出发来看,它应当是一个“矢(向)量场”(vector field) 。既然是向量,那么就有方向,这个方向就是:对于输入数据(样本)来说,其对数概率密度增长最快的方向。 箭头代表分数,圆弧描绘了概率密度的情...
mean(dim=0) 没有太多可言,CW 想讲的几乎都包含在以上注释中了。 可以注意下的是,paper 中以及前文都写到会将 \sigma 输入网络。但实际只要让模型能够区分每个噪声级别即可,完全可以用序号(1,2,3 ..., L)来表示不同的噪声级别(上面代码中的 labels 就是这个意思),将这个这个序号输进网络,以替代 \sigma...
In business, people sometimes speak English in interesting ways. You might not always know what they mean. Can you guess the meanings of the sntences below? 英语是国际事务语言。您是否知道商务英语可以是与每天英语不同? 在事务,居于有时讲英语用有趣的方式。 您也许总不知道什么他们意味。 您能否猜...
This would mean that you have to worry about order of generation. Embedded Backticks: If there are backticks in the included snippet, it might ruin the backticks you have in your markdown. This is why backtickify parameter exists in the API, so that Snipinator provides the backticks, ...
5.Whatdoestheunderlinedword“detailed”inparagraph2mostprobablymean? A.Cleaned. B.Listed. C.Repaired. D.Replaced. 6.Whichofthefollowingbestdescribestheauthorinparagraph3? A.Confused. B.Critical. C.Decisive. D.Diligent. 7.Whatisconveyedinthetext?
解析:根据题干中Tronick和kids’ use of screens定位到笫四段第③句指出,Tronick认为孩子使用数码产品doesn’t mean there is no value to it并非完全没有好处;它可以使父母抽出时间洗澡、做家务或者稍作休息,即为【B】选项的“给父母一些自由时间...
Requirements engineering has traditionally been stakeholder-driven. In addition to domain knowledge, widespread digitalization has led to the generation of
Text 4 M: Lisa, I saw Jack this morning. W: You mean the former designer of our company? What’s he doing these days? M: He said he’s got a new job as an art reporter. Text 5 W: Do you often go ...
Main text Since 1996, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China has undergone a continuous process of modernisation and innovation. The identification of compounds, their structures and properties, as well as the analysis and study of the relationship between different compounds and substances has ...