DISCOGRAPHY: US RELEASES BASICS L to R: Taeyon, Tiffany, Sooyoung, Jessica, Yuri, Yoona, Sunni, Hyeoyon, Seohyun; Credit: as tagged + snsdchina+soompi Click to Return to Top FAN FACTS Couple Names: TaeNy (Taeyeon + Tiffany) TaeRi (Taeyeon + Yuri) TaeSic (Taeyeon + Jessica) TaeYoon...
–Hyoyeon auditioned for S.M. Entertainment at the age of 11 through SM 2000 Casting System. –Her nicknames are: Hyoraengi (pun: tiger), Kim-choding (elementary school-kid Kim), Kim Yeolsal (10-year-old Kim), Fiona. –Usually wakes up the members but often gets scolded by them in...