Worldwide SMS Pricing With Amazon SNS, you can send SMS (text) messages to 200+ countries and for an expanded set of use-cases such as Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and One Time Passwords (OTP). Amazon SNS has no upfront costs and you can pay as you go. With Amazon SNS, you ...
Worldwide SMS Pricing With Amazon SNS, you can send SMS (text) messages to 200+ countries and for an expanded set of use-cases such as Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and One Time Passwords (OTP). Amazon SNS has no upfront costs and you can pay as you go. With Amazon SNS, you ...
Amazon SNS pricing As part of the AWS free tier, SNS usage up to one million requests, 100 SMS messages, 1,000 emails, and 100,000 HTTP(S) calls is free for all AWS accounts. This applies even if your AWS account was created more than 12 months ago (some AWS services only of...
For pricing information for promotional and transactional messages, seeWorldwide SMS Pricing. ForDestination phone number, enter the phone number to which you want to send the message. ForMessage, enter the message to send. To send SMS messages from an origination number, you can also chooseOrigi...
Amazon SNS can publish messages to many different endpoints: HTTP and HTTPS Email and Email-JSON Amazon SQS Application Amazon Lambda SMS (depending on region) Amazon SNS Pricing Amazon SNS is priced by usage and varies by delivery mechanism. ...
Aprenda a enviar mensagens SMS usando o Amazon SNS, incluindo publicar em um tópico, inscrever números de telefone em tópicos, definir atributos em mensagens e publicar diretamente em telefones celulares.
就是你选择从哪个国家的服务器接入,价格参考 ...
除了直接将云通知推送到移动设备,Amazon SNS 还能通过 SMS 短消息或电子邮件将通知发送到 Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) 队列,或发送到任何 HTTP 终端节点...为防止消息丢失,发布到 Amazon SNS 的所有消息都将在多个可用区域冗余存储。...根据用户的选择,可以控制用户选择加入和退出,允许用户选择是否接收你...
get_topic_attributes get_waiter list_endpoints_by_platform_application list_origination_numbers list_phone_numbers_opted_out list_platform_applications list_sms_sandbox_phone_numbers list_subscriptions list_subscriptions_by_topic list_tags_for_resource ...
<cfscript> sns = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) topic = sns.createTopic("SMSSubscription"); subscribeMetadata = { "topicArn" = topic.getTopicArn(), "endpoint" = "<your phone number>", "protocol" = "sms" } try{ subscription= topic.subscribe(subscribeMetadata) wr...