本文图片来源于: @sneakernews、@publicschoolnyc @SBD、@packer 特刊08 ∞ 24 ∞ 02 年底,你最想拥有的重磅球鞋是? 穿什么鞋才能成为「圣诞 Party」的王者? 「THE LAST DANCE 风华绝代收藏纪念版特刊」 「MAMBA FOREVER 收藏版纪念特刊」 Howie Lee :: SIZING UP 青山周平:: SIZING UP 刘雯:: SIZING UP...
The NYC fanmeet. I was asked to help out at the last minute…as in the night before in a hotel room, thanks to Soy, as a photographer. Seeing the faces of those hundreds of fans waiting in line, seeing the faces of the nine members as they were amused by our little slideshow, and...
(hyie,ebldeviorfqlnoeieemausrplctcilasbhonouhitierbwitactoetlhrceeenEgsadedl fdeso9ffSbeiei)pccrnyc,oaseiSoSetpfdb2mnnfaSeeeecc-npolwtyaiewSxtolcy(2lciestoI/d:yireC3ytio1cniDziElo1dnee1)9nGessg..s969,tT.oo.w–ot5Tfhfh3 hhSmiLLe.sen0eiirA2oc4 SVrSe.a4xe2 .ShnLivawTdnenigbh2...
Not even Lisa Frank. Are gel manicures safe? Gel manis require UV light to cure — but repeated UV exposure isn’t the best thing for your skin. (If youhavebeen living under a rock, you probably don’t need to worry about UV exposure. Good job staying in the shade!) TheAmerican Ac...
Breaking News, data & opinions in business, sports, entertainment, travel, lifestyle, plus much more. Newsday.com is the leading news source for Long Island & NYC.
NYC Subway上分享了众多纽约地铁绝美照片。他原本是一名律师,却因为纽约地铁的热情和活力,走上了摄影之路。 #艺术LOOK #艺术在抖音 #摄影在抖音 #街拍 #纽约地铁 1598 海滩惊现神兽!居然靠吞噬风能行走! 艺术家泰奥·扬森(Theo Jansen)在荷兰的希凡宁根海滩创作的仿生兽(Strandbeest)不需要提供动力,只需要一阵风...
231224 Mars官方SNS更新 来自Zero的圣诞祝福抽到的纸条:一边wink一边像圣诞老人一样说圣诞快乐/🎄Merry Christmas☃️\祝大家度过一个很棒的圣诞节,要看Mars哦💗 #道枝駿佑[超话]# #道枝骏佑# http://t.cn...
『By_WJSN』1..cr.ins.推特.官微http://www.miaopai.com/show/Nyciguznftuqgv2wo2ZNOzGe-NhiP63X.htm[#우주소녀 #미기] ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 우쭈쭈~~우리은서 귀엽넹~~😘
Polska wersja Skali Samooceny Objawów Negatywnych (Self-evaluation of Negative Symptoms - SNS)doi:10.12740/PP/OnlineFirst/97352Aim. The aim of the study was to create a Polish version of the Self-evaluation of Negative Symptoms (SNS) scale, to assess its ...
Signal Relays IM Relay AXICOM n Slim line 10x6mm, low profile 5.65mm and min. board-space 60mm2 n Switching current 2/5A, switching power 60W/62.5VA and switching voltage 220VDC/250VAC n Low coil power consumption, 140mW standard, 100mW for high sensitive version, 50mW for ultra high...