Signature Nail Systems (SNS Nails) is a new ideal in the manicure world which is represented by an organic system of the nail extension. Some time ago other materials were popular: acryl, gel, shellac, but this time has gone with the appearance of a new system....
无味/无臭(Odor free) 不会伤害真指甲(Prevents damage to real nails) 坚固(Strong) 可变通(Flexible) 更自然的感觉(Natural Feel) 让甲床更健康(Healthy for nail beds) 耐用的光泽度(Durable glossy finish)为了让指甲更健康,他们还添加了维E和钙。不需要紫外线灯照射,重量也相对轻很多。看起来和摸起来都...
而且差不多一周后,边缘就开始起翘了,那种可以直接揭掉的感觉。墨尔本的姐妹们如果注重细节,一定要避雷这家diva nails and beauty(不过她们态度还是挺好的)。以前从来没尝试过SNS,第一次做的时候觉得好棒,不用照灯,想着是不是不会太伤指甲,而且速度超快还便宜,尤其贴甲片特别快特别便宜。结果发现几个问题: 浅色...
An alternative to gel or regular polish, the dip powder nail technique could be your new favorite method. Here's what one nail expert has to say about it.
3.0 Shank Dia Steel Concrete Nails Compatible with Hilti BX3 Gun Nailer 22mm Concrete Nails Battery Bx3 Nails Available19mm25mm $65.00 最小起订量: 1 carton 高品质厚亚克力压钉手工假指甲10 30支手绘压钉 US$5.90-9.00 最小起订量: 5 sets ...
How do you remove SNS nails? Patience. As with gel nails, you’ll buff the shiny layer off the top, then soak nails in acetone for at least 10 minutes. SNS nails can be a bit harder to remove, though. To avoid damaging your nails, your best bet is to go back to the salon and...
sunflower nail art rhinestones on nail nail decals art airbrush on nail nails with rhinestones acrylic rhinestone nail nail art pen This product belongs to Home, and you can find similar products at All Categories, Beauty & Health, Nails Art & Tools, Rhinestones & Decorations. ...
SNS Nails Nail Polish Type Dip Powder About this item Product details Gelous Manicure Gel Color for regular manicure or Natural Set. Long-lasting 14 days shine, 10 mins soak off, 1 oz info: We aim to show you accurate product information.Manufacturers, suppliers and others provide what you ...
【#倖田來未# ・SNS】 @倖田來未_KODAKUMI Love Happy Smile nails!!!💅 配合衣装换的美甲! 果然喜欢可爱的~笑笑 其实呢、其实呢、笑 #倖田來未##和倖田來未正相反##其实相当喜欢可爱的东西##nail##美...
#表演##hairmake##coordinate##nails##fashion##kodakumi##倖田來未# 幸田来未超话 kodakumi超话 k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转û收藏 4 评论 ñ14 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...114关注 6762粉丝 5819微博 ...