Anscombe's quartet数据集显示了一些简单线性回归提供了简单目视检查清楚显示差异的关系估计的例子。 例如,在第一种情况下,线性回归是一个很好的模型: anscombe = sns.load_dataset("anscombe") sns.lmplot(x="x", y="y", data=anscombe.query("dataset == 'I'"), ci=None, scatter_kws={"s": 80});...
Python,seaborn库,sns.load_datase读取csv报错 解决办法:做回归分析时使用 pandas 库 df = pd.read_csv(’./house_prices.csv’)读取方法,使用 df = sns.load_dataset(’./house_prices’),会报错! 具体可以参考:链接: link... Python数据可视化—seaborn简介和实例 plain copy print? import matplotlib.pypl...
This repository exists only to provide a convenient target for theseaborn.load_datasetfunction to download sample datasets from. Its existence makes it easy to document seaborn without confusing things by spending time loading and munging data. The datasets may change or be removed at any time if ...
Data repository forseabornexamples. This is not a general-purpose data archive. This repository exists only to provide a convenient target for theseaborn.load_datasetfunction to download sample datasets from. Its existence makes it easy to document seaborn without confusing things by spending time lo...