Remember: in the section above about thehueparameter, I noted that you can create a multi-line lineplot by mapping a categorical variable tohue. If you do that, thelineplot()function will create a line chart with multiple lines, and each line will be a different color (you’ll see this ...
如果在一个fig下面画多个子图,指定不同的ax,不能用relplot,只能用lineplot()和scatterplot(),因为relplot是fig级的方法,不过可以用COL来表示,相当于直接自带一个多坐标轴画图方法。 同时,官网也说明了,hue,size,style都可以用来区分类别,但是三者都用的话,图太繁杂,花里胡哨不宜看懂,故一般用两个就行了,其中si...
# multiple heatmaps using subplots plt.figure(figsize=(30,10)) plt.subplot(1,3,1) # first heatmap sns.heatmap(globalWarming_df, cbar=False, linecolor="w", linewidths=1) plt.subplot(1,3,2) # second heatmap sns.heatmap(globalWarming_df, cbar=False, linecolor="k", linewidths=...