Size ofci(confidence intervals) to draw around estimated values. In simple word to increaseerrorbarthen pass value between 0 to 100. 1 2 3 # set error bar size sns.barplot(x='day', y='total_bill', hue='sex', data=tips_df, ci=20) ...
In both cases the unexpected positive changes, like in our case, may rep- resent a healthy and normal adaptation to the increase in impulsions, which may take place among people with not too high impulsivity and addiction scores (i.e., who can be classified as rather cognitively healthy)....
The absorbance increases with increasing SnS2 content, but no significant increase in the intensity was observed above 20 wt% because all the HAp was covered with SnS2. Therefore, 20 wt% SnS2 content was considered optimum loading. Tauc’s plot was used to compute the samples’ bandgap ...
The photoresponsivity R, defined as the ratio between photocurrent increase (Δ I) and power intensity (P), Δ I/P, as a function of illumination power is shown in the inset of Fig. 6b. It is clear that R decreases with the increase of laser power, which may be attributed to...
The emerged bubbles undergo rapid and excessive expansion, causing their size to increase dramatically compared to the equilibrium radius, followed by eventual collapse. Upon collapse, the stored concentrated energy within the bubble is rapidly released in a short time, resulting in around 5000 K ...
Download:Download full-size image Fig. 2. XRD pattern of SnS thin films deposited with various precursor molarities. 3.1.2. Effect of addition of complexing agent TEA[25]] forms when TEA is added to the cationic precursor and thus helps to control the reaction rate by reducing the quantity...
material. Particle size estimate obtained by counting shows the average diameterdpof ZOSS-2 to be (10.9 ± 0.2) nm (Figure3(b)). EDX analysis was performed to determine the elemental compositions of the ZOSS-surfaces. The analysis result for ZOSS-2 is shown on the EDX plot (Figure2(f...
material. Particle size estimate obtained by counting shows the average diameterdpof ZOSS-2 to be (10.9 ± 0.2) nm (Figure3(b)). EDX analysis was performed to determine the elemental compositions of the ZOSS-surfaces. The analysis result for ZOSS-2 is shown on the EDX plot (Figure2(f...
tried increase in the electrical resistance of the to obtain SnS film, no n-type conduction was observed24. That is, no reliable n-type SnS material has yet been reported. In this work, we succeeded in fabricating reliable n-type SnS films by isovalent Pb2+ doping. We found that the ...
Full size image Thin film Characterization The crystal structure of the films have been accessed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) using CuKα(1.5418 Å) (X’pert-PRO PANAlytical instruments). The crystalline properties of the film were further determined using 200 kV FETEM (JEM-2100F) and...