doi:10.1186/1687-1499-2012-237YenDepartment of Information Management, Shih-Hsin University, Taipei, Taiwan;Hong-HsuDepartment of Information Management, Shih-Hsin University, Taipei, Taiwan;SpringerOpenEURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking...
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EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking Submit manuscript Hong-Hsu Yen 2981 Accesses Explore all metrics Abstract Power-efficient multicast routing is an active research field in wireless networks because most network nodes are powered by battery. However, this kind of multicast ...
Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators 编辑 获取MobileBroadbandCellNR对象的集合,每个对象表示服务 5G-NR 单元格的属性集合。 备注 此功能仅适用于移动运营商应用和由移动网络运营商授予特权访问权限的 UWP 应用。 如果要使用此 API 并将应用发布到 Microsoft Store,则需要获得特殊批准。 有关详细信息,请参阅...
Computer Science - Networking and Internet ArchitectureAdvances in the price, performance, and power consumption of Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11) technology have led to the adoption of wireless functionality in diverse consumer electronics. These trends have enabled an exciting vision of rich wireless ...
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Ad-hoc networking provides a cost-effective support structure for inter-vehicle communication. A decentralized peer-to-peer information dissemination archi... JP Singh,N Bambos,B Srinivasan,... - International Conference on Testbeds & Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks & Communitie...
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Networking.NetworkOperators 編輯 取得MobileBroadbandCellNR 物件的集合,每個物件都代表服務 5G-NR 儲存格的屬性集合。 備註 這項功能僅適用于行動電信業者應用程式,以及行動網路操作員提供特殊許可權存取的 UWP 應用程式。 如果您想要使用此 API 並將您的應用程式發佈至 Microsoft Store,則需要特殊核准...
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