conda create -n SNP #创建一个叫SNP的环境 conda activate SNP #激活SNP这个环境,在这个环境内安装软件 conda install -c biocondabcftoolsplink2phylipiqtreetasselvcftools 在安装完成之后,如果运行bcftools出现报错,提示没有这个“”的数据库时候,需要自己进行安装相关依赖的数据库才能使用bcftools软件。
wget tar xf bactsnp-1.1.0.linux64.tgzcdbactsnp-1.1.0.linux64 make# 将bactsnp可执行程序复制到 */Anaconda3/envs/BactSNP/bin/中conda_bin=`which samtools`cp bactsnp${conda_bin%/*} 3. 测试 wget -...
$ conda install psdm Precompiled binaries tl;dr: Run the following snippet to download the latest binary for your system to the current directory and show the help menu. version="0.3.0"OS=$(uname -s)if["$OS"="Linux"];thentriple="x86_64-unknown-linux-musl"elif["$OS"="Darwin"];then...
conda install -c bioconda pairsnp The c++ code relies on a recent version of Armadillo (currently tested on v8.6) and after downloading the repository can be built by runningcd ./pairsnp-cpp/ ./configure make make install The majority of time is spend doing sparse matrix multiplications so ...
conda install-c bioconda plink 1. 建立索引 cpGenome.fa 即叶绿体基因组 bwa index cpGenome.fa 2. 将双端测序数据,比对到 叶绿体基因组 nohup bwa mem-t4-M cpGenome.fa CRRXXX_f1.fastq.gz CRRXXX_r2.fastq.gz2>CRRXXX_map.log|samtools sort-O bam-@4-o CRRXXX.sorted.bam1>CRRXXX.sort.log2>...
conda install bcftools 注意,后两者安装后,建议直接再 Update 一下 conda update samtools conda update bcftools 下载并准备 Picard 软件,用于标记重复,事实上,似乎可以直接使用 sambamba 软件 wget ...
condainstall bwacondainstall samtoolscondainstall bcftools 注意,后两者安装后,建议直接再 Update 一下 condaupdate samtoolscondaupdate bcftools 下载并准备 Picard 软件,用于标记重复,事实上,似乎可以直接使用 sambamba 软件 wget ...
( Alternatively python can be installed using a package manager such as miniconda ( sudo apt install python sudo apt install python-setuptools sudo apt install python-dev A recent version of Java is needed sudo add-apt-...
然后下载相关的分析软件,使用conda安装 conda create -n SNP #创建一个叫SNP的环境 conda activate SNP...
conda install -c bioconda mummer mummer -help nucmer -help 1 比对: nucmer -p [out_index] [ref] [query] nucmer -p align ref.fna input.fna -p|prefix:Set the prefix of the output files (default "out") --mum: Use anchor matches that are unique in both the reference and query ...