Summer is the usual mating season for snowy owls, and males will often begin courtship of females in the early months of the year. Snowy owl courtship typically involves the male walking or strutting about on the ground, spreading his wings and ruffling his feathers to demonstrate his worthiness...
A Snowy at rest along the water’s edge or in the dunes is just that, resting. The Owl needs to sleep and to conserve its energy for hunting and to keep warm. Snowy Owls are unique in that they are more acclimated to hunting during daylight hours than other owl species. They hatched ...
This past summer marked the 30th year that Holt has studied the snowy owls of Alaska, operating through theOwl Research Institute, a nonprofit he founded in Montana. He and his colleagues spend much of their time working on owl projects in the state. But each June, he migrates north,...