The diet of a snowy owl consists of a wide range of small to medium-sized animals, including mammals, birds and fish. Lemmings and other small rodents such as voles and mice make up the majority of the owl’s diet, particularly in the summer when these animals are most abundant. The ow...
Then on Rotary Night it was time for Sara's skit. The toastmaster Pat Gast made a few jokes and then announced: "Ladies and Gentlemen, Saranac Lake's very own, Sara the Snowy Owl!" But it was not Sara who came out dancing, but Kaylie dressed as a smaller snowy owl. "O I forgot...
雪鸮(学名:Bubo scandiaca)是鸮形目鸱鸮科雪鸮属鸟类,又名白鸮、白猫头鹰。头圆而小,面盘不显著;眼眶特别大;耳孔是一条很大的垂直裂缝,直通到头骨两侧,且不对称;尾羽较为短而圆;第四趾能向前后转动,爪大,弯曲而锐利。通体为雪白色,有时会布满暗色横斑;虹膜金黄;嘴峰及跗蹠角黑色;雌性和幼年的...