The recently released Snowy Night Timeless Love (七夜雪) unfolds a poignant story of love, redemption, and destiny. Directed by Ren Haitao (任海涛), known for his work on the hit period drama Mysterious Lotus Casebook (莲花楼), the series centers around the emotionally charged journey of Huo...
家 /菜单 /Snowy Night·Timeless LoveSnowy Night·Timeless Love中国 电视剧 2024 45 分钟 x 36 集 高清 浪漫 戏服概要 这是一个关于“生命最深的爱,却经不起时间”的故事。叛逆剑客霍占白为朋友的儿子求药,结识了药师谷谷主薛子夜。八年多的相处,两人逐渐加深了对彼此的感情和了解,从各有执念到相互救赎...
Snowy Night Timeless Love (2024– ) TV Series | Drama Edit page Add to list Track A swordsman seeks medicine for a friend's ill child, meeting a pharmacist. Over years, their bond deepens despite reunion obstacles. An unspoken love endures through farewells, finding redemption. ...
I think snow might be a major character in the upcoming wuxia C-dramaSnowy Night: Timeless Love(Seven Nights Snow) since the whole backdrop of the snowy valley and cold nights is so prominently featured in all the promos for this drama.iQiyi...