Hey Runners! 🚚 A new update is now available, you may find the patch notes below! Please make sure to let us know if you encounter any trouble with this patch. Thank you! New content: New region Almaty Region – a region consisting of 1 new map set in
Mods have arrived on PS4 and Xbox One! We’re so excited to bring the community’s endless creativity to consoles. Full announcement and Patch Notes:https://t.co/PjKzCcZtCQpic.twitter.com/U3N5X0ipAj — SnowRunner (@PlaySnowRunner)December 15, 2020 Mods for SnowRunner are powered by...
Spintires: MudRunner First Update Hi everyone, It’s been a week since Spintires: MudRunner came out, and we continue to work on dealing with some of the issues that are still around in the game. Updates are out now on all platforms, with the patch notes for each platform listed below....
looks like there was an update yesterday. Patch notes taken fromhere: quote: Consoles Co-op Additional invitation and connection fixes Fixed: some players were not able to accept a co-op invitation after quitting the game during a co-op session ...
《雪地奔驰》今日发布,同时推出游戏“新边界”的扩展内容,并透露了发售后支持的第二年内容 我们十分高兴地宣布《雪地奔驰》现已登陆Steam!不仅如此,“第四季:新边界”也于今日推出,另外,我们很激动地向大家透露,第二年票新四季的内容即将出炉。这是不可思议的一年,
You can read the latest patch notes coming with the new standalone DLC, the Rezvani Tank