Snowflake Python libraries currently support TOML version 1.0.0. For more information about toml file formats, see TOML (Tom’s Obvious Minimal Language). The Python connector looks for the connections.toml file in the following locations, in order: If a ~/.snowflake directory exists on your ...
您可以通过在命令行中运行python --version来检查Python版本,并确保它是兼容的。 缺少依赖库:snowflake-connector-python可能依赖于其他Python库。请确保您已经安装了所有必需的依赖库。您可以使用pip命令来安装缺少的库,例如pip install <library_name>。 如果您仍然无法在Windows上安装snowflake-connector-python,您可...
Dear Snowflake team, We are trying to connect with Python to Snowflake DDBB and we are recieving this error eventhough we adapt the requirements and python version : ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snowflake.connector'; 'snowflake' is not a package Python Version : 3.8.6 Pip instal...
Description snowflake_connector_python version 2.8 was recently released, with the notable adding of pandas 1.5. Support. This PR bumps the max version of snowflake_connector_python to 2.8.1 to all...
To install the latest Python Connector for Snowflake, use:pip install snowflake-connector-python The source code for the Python driver is available on GitHub.Prerequisites Requires Python version 3.8 or later. For a list of the operating systems supported by Snowflake clients, see Operating system...
DataFrame([('snowflake-connector-python', '1.0')], columns=['NAME', 'NEWEST_VERSION']) # Specify that the to_sql method should use the pd_writer function # to write the data from the DataFrame to the table named "driver_versions" # in the Snowflake database. sf_connector_version_df...
Removed uppercryptogaphyversion pin. Removed reference to scriptsnowflake-export-certs(its backing module was already removed long ago) Enhanced retry mechanism for handling transient network failures during query result polling when no server response is received. ...
Removed upper cryptogaphy version pin. Removed reference to script snowflake-export-certs (its backing module was already removed long ago) Enhanced retry mechanism for handling transient network failures during query result polling when no server response is received.Assets...
Pull requests55 Actions Security Insights More snowflake-connector-python/ RawNormal viewHistory 10064448 lines (45 sloc)1.49 KB Initial Public Github Version Dec 16, 2016 1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- SNOW-162293Switched docstring style to Google from Epydo...
Snowflake Connector for Python Version: 1.3.14 Python Version: 2.7.13 Platform: Darwin-16.4.0-x86_64-i386-64bit According to the docs, the following code snippet should work: self.cnx.cursor().execute("USE ROLE %s", self.sf_role) However...