希望这次的分享对你有帮助! 参考资料 [1] Transport Layer Security: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T [2] Shared-Disk Architecture: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S [3] Shared-nothing Architecture: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S [4] SnowFlake的架构: docs.SnowFlake.com/en/u...
Shared-Nothing 架构 shared-noting 架构,每个节点都有自己的 CPU、内存和磁盘,并且一般通过网络层进行节点之间的通信,计算节点可以自由独立扩展,规避了 shared-disk 的集中式存储瓶颈。 图片 常见的 shared-nothing 架构的数据库有 DB2、Vertica、Greenplum。 Snowflake Architecture Snowflake 团队采取了独特的方法。他们...
Snowflake把他们这种架构叫做 Multi-Cluster, Shared-Data Architecture 架构。 计算和存储分离,看起来跟上图里面的Shared-Disk很像,个人理解区别在于Shared-Disk里面存储只是一块Disk,不同的节点会有争抢。而计算和存储分离之后,存储变成了一个服务,它内部会对数据做多副本保存,降低资源争抢的概率,从而可以缓解Shared-...
那个年代(2012~2014) Shared-nothing architecture成为数据仓库主流(如Teradata、Vertica),原因1:可拓展,原因2:廉价硬件 (虽然是大流,可我们snowflake偏偏不随大流,不用sharing-nothing 商业上性价比最高的,是share-disk,全部用一块盘存,简单来说,是多台机器共享一个分布式存储的大硬盘 大流的share-nothing架构有什么...
Shared disk architectures use multiple nodes for accessing shared data on a single storage system, and the Shared nothing architectures store a part of data in each node of the data warehouse. Snowflake combines the benefits of both platforms in an innovative and new design. Snowflake processes ...
(谈主流的Shared-nothing架构)Shared-nothing architectures have become thedominantsystem architecture in high-performance data warehousing, for two main reasons: scalability and commodity hardware. In a shared-nothing architecture, every query processor node has its own local disks. ...
multi-cluster + shared data 计算存储分离,各自独立扩展 传统的share nothing数仓架构存在一些问题:数据...
Processing Architecture – Snowflake uses a shared-nothing processing framework. Each compute node has its CPU, memory, and storage and processes the data independently. This allows easy scaling by adding more compute nodes to the cluster. ...
and representative of the underlying patterns for that particular entity. This creates multiple models, one for each subset of data. However, this strategy comes with its own set of challenges. It can be compute-intensive to train and generate predictions, requiring a distributed architecture. To...
Find out about Snowflake architecture and the pros and cons of using or opting for this modern cloud data warehouse solution.