Stateless compute nodes. Query execution is handled by the processes running in Virtual Warehouse. Virtual Warehouse is essentially a set of stateless worker nodes that you can provision and scale on demand. You also have an opportunity to run multiple Virtual Warehouses over the same data stored ...
investments. Pre-processing on trillions of rows of data make your queries lightweight and ensure that minimal resources are consumed per query. Also, Kyvosʼ create once, query multiple timesapproach ensures that any number of users can fire any number of queries without exploding your Snow...
他可以说是SaaS界最一流的CEO之一了。他不仅把ServiceNow带上市,把他们的 run-rate 从 $75M增长到 $1.5Bn!在此之前,他是 Data Domain 的 CEO,这家数据存储公司最终被 EMC 收购(现在是戴尔的一部分)……从2019年4月至今不到18个月,Slootman又创造了一个神话。 能经历这样的transition最终业务仍然这样一往无...
Redshift is a more serverless offering that has a shared-nothing MPP architecture to enable users to run multiple complex analytical queries at the same time. Redshift lets you store data separately from the computing power that processes it; however, unlike Snowflake, where you can easily ...
大家都知道,SaaS公司很多都没有盈利,所以估值指标通常看PS multiple, 也就是EV/NTM Revenue(Net Twelve Months revenue)。不难理解,增长越高的企业能获得的估值溢价越高。 推荐一下Redpoint Ventures的投资人Jamin Ball每周对SaaS公开市场做一个数据总结。他把公开市场上的SaaS公司按照增长率分为三个cohort,分别是增...
大家都知道,SaaS公司很多都没有盈利,所以估值指标通常看PS multiple, 也就是EV/NTM Revenue (Net Twelve Months revenue)。不难理解,增长越高的企业能获得的估值溢价越高。 推荐一下Redpoint Ventures的投资人Jamin Ball每周对SaaS公开市场做一个数据总结。他把公开市场上的SaaS公司按照增长率分为三个cohort,分别是...
Snowflake promises highcomputational power.In case there are many concurrent users running complex queries, the computational power of the Snowflake instance can be changed dynamically. This ensures that there is less waiting time for complex query executions. ...
大家都知道,SaaS公司很多都没有盈利,所以估值指标通常看PS multiple, 也就是EV/NTM Revenue (Net Twelve Months revenue)。不难理解,增长越高的企业能获得的估值溢价越高。 推荐一下Redpoint Ventures的投资人Jamin Ball每周对SaaS公开市场做一个数据总结。他把公开市场上的SaaS公司按照增长率分为三个cohort,分别是...
Query data from multiple sources easily: When data is standardized, you can combine data sets and run queries on the larger set. Many analyses require looking at multiple data sets from multiple sources. More easily update data: When data has been normalized, you can more easily update it bec...
1. 估值与基本面:各项基本面的运营指标在上市SaaS公司里都是绝对领先地位。除了gross margin因为业务模式而低于行业水平,但是对于snowflake基础storage. Compute要通过三大公有云实现的模式上来看,60%的毛利已经很厉害了。从估值来看,100+x的PS multiple的确远高于行业平均水平。