SELECT "puYear", "puMonth", "totalAmount", ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition by "puYear", "puMonth" order by "totalAmount") as rn FROM nyctlcyellow ) ranked WHERE ranked.rn = 1 Databricks SELECT puYear, puMonth, totalAmount FROM ( SELECT puYear, puMonth, totalAmount, ROW_NUMBER() OV...
SELECT "puYear", "puMonth", "totalAmount", ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition by "puYear", "puMonth" order by "totalAmount") as rn FROM nyctlcyellow_ib ) ranked WHERE ranked.rn = 1; --修改后的查询1. 不需要外层的选择。我使用了QUALIFY(筛选条件) SELECT "puYear", "puMonth", "totalAmo...
可以添加子组以确定每组元素的最大数量: -- max 5 elements WITH cte AS ( SELECT *, CEIL(ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY ID ORDER BY str) / 5) AS grp FROM t ) SELECT ID, LISTAGG(str, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY str) AS all_strings FROM cte GROUP BY ID, grp ORDER BY ID, all...
然后得到日期,好极了,但是有间隙:| ID|新_IND| NEW_IND | | - ---|- ---| --- | | ...
nullable resultSetMetaData.rowType.nullable boolean partitionInfo partitionInfo array of object パーティション情報 rowCount partitionInfo.rowCount integer パーティションが含む行数。 compressedSize partitionInfo.compressedSize integer 圧縮解除前のパーティション サイズ。 これは、partitionInfo...
a.objects_modified, a.object_modified_by_ddl FROM deduplicated_queries q JOIN filtered_access_history a USING (query_id) -- This qualify ignores more than 1 rows from same query, such as for ddl swap QUALIFY ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY query_id ORDER BY start_time DESC) = 1Collab...
(c+m+) DEFINE c AS status='created' ,m AS status='missing_info' ,p AS status='pending' ) m1 QUALIFY (ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY mn, ID ORDER BY msn) = 1) OR(ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY mn, ID ORDER BY msn DESC)=1) ORDER BY ID, CREATED_AT ), cte3 as ( ...
SELECT o_orderkey, ARRAY_AGG(o_clerk) OVER(PARTITION BY o_orderkey ORDER BY o_orderkey ROWS BETWEEN 3 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS result FROM array_data; +---+---+ | O_ORDERKEY | RESULT | |---+---| | Ord1 | [ | | | "c1" | | | ] | | Ord1 | [ | | | "c1...
ウィンドウ関数 { STDDEV | STDDEV_SAMP } ( [ DISTINCT ] <expr1> ) OVER ( [ PARTITION BY <expr2> ] [ ORDER BY <expr3> [ ASC | DESC ] [ <window_frame> ] ] ) window_frame 構文の詳細については、 ウィンドウフレームの使用上の注意 をご参照ください。引...
In this post, we showcase our amazing Snowflake technology partners and their ways of using the new query function within their respective products.