解析JSON数据:使用Snowflake SQL的内置函数来解析JSON数据。Snowflake提供了一系列函数,如GET、GET_PATH、GET_ARRAY_ELEMENT等,用于提取JSON对象中的特定属性或元素。 查询和操作:一旦JSON数据被解析,就可以使用标准的SQL查询语句来查询和操作数据。可以使用WHERE子句、JOIN操作、聚合函数等来处理JSON数据。
* slots: each element of the array is a slot, which is be set with a UID * flags: flag array corresponding the same index with the slots, indicates whether can take or put slot * tail: a sequence of the max slot position to produce * cursor: a sequence of the min slot position t...
Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement. Overrides: SnowflakeDataset.withStructure(Object structure) Parameters: structure withTable public SnowflakeDataset withTable(Object table) Set the table property: The table name of the Snowflake database. Type: ...
staticSnowflakeDatasetfromJson(JsonReader jsonReader) Reads an instance of SnowflakeDataset from the JsonReader. ObjectschemaTypePropertiesSchema() Get the schema property: The schema name of the Snowflake database. Objecttable() Get the table property: The table name of the Snowflake database. ...
The value of the element of the flattened array/object. THIS The element being flattened (useful in recursive flattening). Note The columns of the original (correlated) table which was used as the source of data for FLATTEN are also accessible. If a single row from the original table resulte...
array_unique_agg collect_set sequence ストアドプロシージャの登録と呼び出しに、 TABLE 戻り型のサポートが追加されました。 列に格納できる最大文字数を指定する、 StringType() のパラメーターlengthに対するサポートを追加しました。 functions.get() のエイリアス functions.element_at() を...
Snowflake ecosystem of partner integrations.Chances are you are already using some sort of software to work with data which is already pre-integrated with Snowflake. There’s a wide array of third-party partners and technologies that provide native connectivity to Snowflake. They range from data...
public SnowflakeDataset withSchema(Object schema) Set the schema property: Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement. Overrides: SnowflakeDataset.withSchema(Object schema) Parameters: schema with...
Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement. Overrides: SnowflakeDataset.withStructure(Object structure) Parameters: structure withTable public SnowflakeDataset withTable(Object table) Set the table property: The table name of the Snowflake database. Type: ...