Snowflake unterstützt eine Bandbreite an Anwendungsfällen mit denselben Daten – in einem vertrauten und dennoch robusten Data Warehouse. Visualisieren Sie Einblicke mit Business Intelligence und Berichten, verarbeiten Sie Standortdaten mit Geodatenanalytik oder Zeitreihendaten mit Zeitreihenanalytik...
“Snowflake deployed an entire data warehouse in a couple of days and worked with our existing technology investments.” Bob Asensio CIO,CapSpecialty eBook Master Your Role as CM(I)O With Snowflake, CMOs can leverage the cloud to unify their data and access it in real time to drive engagem...
英文全称:Snowflake Elastic Data Warehouse,简称“Snowflake”。可以简单理解为云版的数据仓库,从零设计。 为什么要有 Snowflake 传统数据仓库搞不定当前的数据的几个特性:海量、半结构化甚至无结构、生产速度快等 流行的开源方案(如 Hadoop、Spark)与云服务(经济、弹性、服务)不能很好结合 Snowflake 的特性 Saas ...
在云平台以及 Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) 高速发展的时期,Snowflake 对现有的 Data Warehouse(数据仓库/数仓) 系统进行了深入思考,探索了云原生数仓这一产品形态。 随着大数据的发展,数据来源不断丰富。不仅是传统的 ERP 和 CRM 数据,应用日志/web 应用/移动设备/社交媒体/传感器(物联网)都在不断地产生多种...
And Snowflake: ‘From True Competitors, To Frenemies To…An Alliance’ [5].The Snowflake Elastic Data warehouse, 2016 ...
Learn how Talend and Snowflake work together to help you deliver healthier data across the organization. Avoid the data swamp: How to use Talend’s best practice architecture for Snowflake to enhance data health Merely gathering, moving, and storing data without considering its value is creating ...
除了给用户提供服务外,Snowflake自己也是一家data-driven company,一些典型的场景:For Finance 因为Snow...
Snowflake is built for performance. Starting with the underlying infrastructure that is built to run analytical queries. To add to that the elastic nature of the cloud means if you want to load data faster, or run a high volume of queries, you can scale up your virtual warehouse ...
Snowflake's multi-cluster, shared data architecture was built for the cloud from the beginning. Data is stored in Amazon S3 and is accessible independently from as many virtual data warehouses as you need. Because computing and storage are completely separate, you can independently scale either ...