BooleanType() Boolean data type. ByteType() Byte data type. ColumnIdentifier(normalized_name) Represents a column identifier. DataType() The base class of Snowpark data types. DateType() Date data type. DecimalType([precision, scale]) Decimal data type. DoubleType() Double data type. Float...
Examples of fixed-point data types in a table CREATEORREPLACETABLEtest_fixed(numNUMBER,num10NUMBER(10,1),decDECIMAL(20,2),numericNUMERIC(30,3),intINT,integerINTEGER);DESCTABLEtest_fixed;+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+| name | type | kind | null? | default ...
Hello. There is a problem when a Snowflake table has columns with datatype number(p > 15,0) column is detected as a decimal number of with a
小数、数字、数值 DecimalType bigint、byteint、int、integer、smallint、tinyint IntegerType float、float4、float8 FloatType double、double precision、real DoubleType char、character、string、text、time、varchar StringType binary BinaryType boolean BooleanType date DateType datetime、timestamp、timestamp_ltz...
我得到了一个错误: sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Column type DECIMAL(38, 0) on column 'id' is not compatible with autoincrement=True 在使用雪花官网(上的官方示例时: Column('id', Integer, Sequence('id_seq'...
Snowflake Data TypeData CollectorData Type ArrayList BigintLong BinaryByte Array BooleanBoolean ByteintLong CharString DateDate DatetimeDatetime DecimalLong DoubleDouble Double PrecisionDouble FloatDouble GeographyString IntLong IntegerLong NumberLong
.NET Framekwork Data TypeData Type in Snowflake int, long NUMBER(38, 0) decimal NUMBER(38, <scale>) double REAL string TEXT bool BOOLEAN byte BINARY datetime DATE Arrow data format The .NET connector, starting with v2.1.3, supports the Arrow data format as a preview feature for da... on Red Hat® OpenShift® Developer edition Snowflake Configure the following details for Snowflake: Limitations for SQL statements CREATE TABLE ASCREATE TABLEstatement. DROP TABLEstatement is supported only when enabled in the catalog. ...
The `value` field respects six digits of precision to the right of the decimal point.', "source" varchar comment 'The source of the event either API or SDK.', "triggering_push_push_id" varchar comment 'The push ID of the push that triggered the custom event.', "triggering_push_group...
DataSourceErrorInfo DataSourceParameters DateTimeParameter DecimalParameter ErrorInfo ExasolParameters ExportToCSVOption FieldFolder FilterOperation Folder FolderMember FolderSearchFilter FolderSummary GeoSpatialColumnGroup Group GroupMember GroupSearchFilter GutterStyle IAMPolicyAssignment IAMPolicyAssignmentSummary Ingesti...