alter warehouse test suspend resume warehouse alter warehouse TEST resume show all warehouses show warehouses abort all running queries alter warehouse TEST abort all queries change name alter warehouse TEST rename LG101 1.2 database command create database create or replace database company show datab...
08:25:56 SQL status: SUCCESS 1in1.0 seconds 08:25:56 Applying ALTER to:"DEVELOPMENT_JYEO"."DBT_JYEO"."FOO_2024_03_DISABLED"08:25:56 Applying UPDATE TARGET_LAG to:"DEVELOPMENT_JYEO"."DBT_JYEO"."FOO_2024_03_DISABLED"08:25:56 Applying UPDATE WAREHOUSE to:"DEVELOPMENT_JYEO"."DBT_J...
Click theDatabaseicon present at the top ribbon. It displays the database page details. Now click the name of a database. It will navigate you to database properties view page. ClickSchemasto see the list of available schemas. Select a schema to alter its name and click theAltericon as ...
ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] <name> RENAME TO <new_table_name> ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] <name> SWAP WITH <target_table_name> ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] <name> { clusteringAction | tableColumnAction | constraintAction } ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] <name> dataMetricFunctionAction ALTER TA...
CREATE STREAM , ALTER STREAM , DROP STREAM , DESCRIBE STREAM Syntax SHOW [ TERSE ] STREAMS [ LIKE '<pattern>' ] [ IN { ACCOUNT | DATABASE [ <db_name> ] | [ SCHEMA ] [ <schema_name> ] | APPLICATION <application_name> | APPLICATION PACKAGE <application_package_name> } ] [ STARTS...
How to Rename a Table How to Truncate a Table How to Flash Back a Table How to Add/Drop Table Column Managing Data COPY-INTO INSERT DELETE UPDATE REPLACE MERGE-INTO Managing Views How to Create a View How to Drop a View How to Alter a View ...
Restoring Data Using Time Travel Feature (Bad Option) CREATE TABLE with Time Travel Days Account Usage Drop and Undrop a Table Drop and Undrop a Schema Drop and Undrop a Database Rename a Table SHOW TABLES With LIKE Table Types TABLE STORAGE METRICS QUERY ...
Dive into this tutorial to understand how to handle null values in Snowflake using the coalesce() function. Learn how to seamlessly replace null values with a default, ensuring your data remains consistent and readable. Ideal for those aiming to refine t
Sign inGet started -> Let's say you want to look at the percentiles for products. You can use Snowflake'spercentile_cont()function to do that: selectpercentile_cont(0.25)withingroup(orderbyunit_price)over()asp25,percentile_cont(0.50)withingroup(orderbyunit_price)over()asp50,percentile_cont(...
ALTER DATABASE testCollation COLLATE Latin1_General_100_CI_AI; GO USE testCollation GO DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #compareNonUnicode; GO CREATE TABLE #compareNonUnicode(txtCI VARCHAR(20) COLLATE Latin1_General_100_CI_AI ,txtCS VARCHAR(20) COLLATE Latin1_General_100_CS_AS ); GO INSERT INTO #...