98/01100 Ohio DOT dump truck/snow plow comparative evaluations with a biodiesel blend: Malcosky, N. D. and Wald, T. Soc. Automat. Eng., [Spec. Publ.] SP, 1997, SP-1274, 209–213doi:10.1016/S0140-6701(98)97242-3ELSEVIERFuel & Energy Abstracts...
sidewalk, gravel areas and even go out into the lawn to make a spot for your dogs. The models I’ll suggest here are all capable of clearing the huge drift the city snow plow leaves at the end of your driveway.
The evaluation is being conducted in two adjacent counties in northwest Ohio. The Fulton county ODOT garage has been operating all diesel-powered equipment on B20 since March of 1996 and has been comparing operating results with counterpart equipment in nearby Williams county which has continued ...
The evaluation is being conducted in two adjacent counties in northwest Ohio. The Fulton county ODOT garage has been operating all diesel-powered equipment on B20 since March of 1996 and has been comparing operating results with counterpart equipment in nearby Williams county which has continued ...