holiday season, if you guys are traveling up north up here, I would definitely say, you know, stay warm, pack some extra food and water just in case you get stuck and just have a plan, make sure your batteries are charged," said Ryan Anzai, who was crossing the pass Sunday morning....
Monday morning, 28 November 2005, the Soldiers of the 23d Chemical "Lion" Battalion are plucked from the long Thanksgiving weekend to cross the snowy, rock-sliding Snoqualmie Pass to Yakima for a twelve-day, live-fire exercise (LFX). Wit... ...
Be Prepared, Be Patient ; as More Thanksgiving Drivers Get Ready to Roll - Many over Snoqualmie Pass - DOT Talks Up SafetyMuir, Pat
for I-90 in the Snoqualmie Pass vicinity has been a challenge for WSDOT, and it is anticipated that the new LED lights installed for this project will provide more durable and reliable delineation, giving drivers a more positive delineation especially at night and during severe weather conditions...