16 Examples of Misleading (or False) 'Copypasta' Messages Written by: Izz Scott LaMagdeleine Feb. 26, 2023 This type of post asks people to copy, paste and share text — and doesn't always relay the truth. Read More Media Literacy: How Can You Tell if a Post Is Satire/Parody?
The truth of the matter has always been that there's no magic about getting pregnant — if sperm meets up with egg, conception occurs. And it matters not if it was the gal's first time, she did it standing up after swallowing 20 Aspirin, and immediately afterwards douched with Coca-Col...
" The simple truth is hormones are not added to poultry feeds. This fallacy is fueled by inaccurate statements made by The World Health Organization that apparently has issued a plea to stop giving growth hormones to chickens grown for human consumption. Supposedly the American Medical Association,...
In boththe 2019 articleand in "Apocalypse Never," Shellenberger exploits the fallacy of the lung metaphor as evidence against the plausibility of an entirelydifferent conceptknown as savanification — a climate scenario in which the Amazon transforms into a savanna-like ecosystem. This process, whi...