EXAMPLE The command: snmpbulkwalk -v2c -Os -c public zeus system will retrieve all of the variables under system: sysDescr.0 = STRING: "SunOS zeus.net.cmu.edu 4.1.3_U1 1 sun4m" sysObjectID.0 = OID: enterprises.hp.nm.hpsystem.10.1.1 sysUpTime.0 = Timeticks: (155274552) 17 days...
snmpwalk -mALL -v2c -cprivate snmp_agent_Ip_address entPhysicalTable>time3 % date Fri Dec 14 12:21:53 EST 2007 Here is example of an snmpbulkwalk command performing the same operation. Notice that the snmpbulkwalk command is faster than the snmpwalk command....
Here is an example of the snmpbulkwalk command performing the same operation. Notice that the snmpbulkwalk command is faster than the snmpwalk command. % date ; snmpbulkwalk SNMP_agent entPhysicalTable > /dev/null ; date Sun Jun 30 18:19:19 EDT 2013 Sun Jun 30 18:19:38 EDT 2013 ...
As a result, the snmpbulkwalk command is faster than the snmpwalk command. Here is example of an snmpwalk command with approximate start and end time stamps. % date ; snmpwalk SNMP_agent entPhysicalTable > /dev/null ; date Sun Jun 30 18:15:38 EDT 2013 Sun Jun 30 18:16:46 EDT ...