snmp-server enable traps tty 命令用来设定系统允许发送tty的trap,其他类型的还有config 和 bgp 及dlsw等,不用这个命令的话系统就不能发送这种trap。不要后面的tty则会默认发送所有类型的trap。snmp-server community public-4506 RO是设置snmp的共同体串为public-4506,权限为只读。不设的话一般都会采...
Enable SNMP isdn traps msdp Enable SNMP MSDP traps rsvp Enable RSVP flow change traps rtr Enable SNMP Response Time Reporter traps snmp Enable SNMP traps syslog Enable SNMP syslog traps tty Enable TCP connection traps voice Enable SNMP voice traps xgcp Enable XGCP protocol traps <cr> cognac(...
snmp-server enable traps through snmp-server enable traps ospf cisco-specific retransmit snmp-server enable traps ospf cisco-specific state-change through snmp-server enable traps voice poor-qov snmp-server engineID local through snmp trap link-status startup (test boolean) through write mib-data In...
snmp-server enable traps snmp-server host show license right-to-use Close S through Z show license To display information about a Cisco IOS software license, use the show license command in privileged EXEC mode. Cisco ASR 903 Routers show license [ agent { counters | session } | all |...
traps hsrp Enable SNMP HSRP traps ipmulticast Enable SNMP ipmulticast traps isdn Enable SNMP isdn traps msdp Enable SNMP MSDP traps rsvp Enable RSVP flow change traps rtr Enable SNMP Response Time Reporter traps snmp Enable SNMP traps syslog Enable SNMP syslog traps tty Enable TCP connection traps...
snmp-server enable traps ospf cisco-specific state-change through snmp-server enable traps voice poor-qov snmp-server engineID local through snmp trap link-status startup (test boolean) through write mib-data Index Save Download Print Updated: November 13, 2017 Chapter: snmp-server enable traps...