1. Telnet into the Router or Switch, Type “enable” to get in to enable mode. Enter the enable password.prompt# telnet>enablePassword:Router# 2. Get into global configuration mode by typing “configure terminal” and find available commands for SNMP configuration on Cisco Rou...
对于路由器和基于 Cisco IOS® 软件的 XL Catalyst 交换机,配置程序是相同的。 1. Telnet 到路由器: prompt#telnet 2. 在提示符后输入启用密码,以进入启用模式: Router>enablePassword: Router# 3. 显示运行配置并查找 SNMP 信息: Router#show running-configBuilding configuration... ... ......
The following example creates a view that includes all objects in the MIB-II system group except for sysServices (System 7) and all objects for interface 1 in the MIB-II interface group (this format is specified on the parameters specified in ifEntry). switchxxx...
I had the same issue. The problem is in the switch itself and the version of the software. It's deleting the snmpv3 configuration... https://bst.cloudapps.cisco.com/bugsearch/bug/CSCuw36080 https://bst.cloudapps.cisco.com/bugsearch/bug/CSCwe24431 ...
Router(config)# snmp-server enable traps snmp linkdown linkup coldstart warmstart 在cisco ios12.0到12.3版本中,存在SNMP漏洞,因此大家要注意不要使用这些版本的Cisco IOS.尽可能在安全的前提下进行配置。 虽然我们上面介绍的配置SNMP的方法都很简单,但是有些配置会很复杂。因此我建议大家在配置简单工作时采用这种...
enable traps snmp-server host <IP Address> version <v1 or 2c> <RO community string> snmp-server enable traps [notification-type] [notification-option] BB *** Rate All Helpful Responses *** How to Ask The Cisco Community for Help View solution in original post 1 Helpful Reply ...
Cisco设备配置SNMPv3及原理说 SNMP当前有三个版本,分别是SNMP v1、v2、v3。SNMP v1、v2有很多共同特征,但是SNMP v2在版本上得到了增强,例如额外的协议操作。SNMP v3在先前的版本的基础上增加了安全和远程配置能力。为了解决不通版本的兼容性问题,RFC3584定义了共同策略。以下针对每一个版本一一介绍: SNMP v1是...
ciscoISLvlan 223: actelisMetaLOOP 224: fcipLink 225: rpr 226: qam 227: lmp 228: cblVectaStar 229: docsCableMCmtsDownstream 230: adsl2 231: macSecControlledIF 232: macSecUncontrolledIF 233: aviciOpticalEther 234: atmbond 235: voiceFGDOS 236: mocaVersion1 237: ieee80216WMAN 238: adsl2pl...
Router1 F1/0 <---> Switch1 F0/5 3、系统部署 CISCO路由交换配置 开启SNMP: snmp-server commounity public RO/RW 开启trap: snmp-server host ip public 启用trap陷阱-配置模式事件: snmp-server enable traps config 设置管理员标识及联系方法:snmp-server location 联系方法及标识 在...
Here we query a Cisco switch: [demo1.dc7:~]$ snmpwalk -v1 -cSecret sw-core2 . Which returns a different description: SNMPv2=MIB::sysDescr.0 = STRING: Cisco IOS Software, C3560 Software (C3560-IPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.2(58)SE1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) ...