Instead of pondering the sounds of the mysterious fox, 'SNL''s take on the song goes after a different animal all together. Well, and by animal, we mean "non-animal," because this is "What Does My Girl Say?" and it stars the ever reliable Jay Pharaoh as a man whose girlfriend (p...
Eminem Saturday Night Live, Eminem Survival SNL performance, How's He Doing SNL Obama, Ice Cream SNL, Kerry Washington SNL, Miss Universe SNL, No black women in cast SNL, Saturday Night Live, Shaquille O'Neal Jay Pharoah SNL, SNL season 39 episode 5 recap, TV, What does my girl say?
我同意关于Jay的部分,但其实我觉得他很有才华,特别是那个what does your girlfriend say. 哈哈哈哈哈。而且人家本来YouTuber就做的很不错 赞(7) 回复 铛铛是个乖娃娃 2021-11-12 14:27:48 我真的是看着Taran成长起来的,从配角成为台柱,他的模仿能力以及对角色的投入程度真的算SNL卡司中的前列了。这么有...
SNL-【WAHT DOSE MY GIRL SAY 】 这是学习资料,不要再举报我,不要再删我了#我爱学习学习学习 #正能量传递 #胎教音乐 #考研上岸 #狐狸叫 - 笑拉剧场于20241217发布在抖音,已经收获了71.2万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
“SNL” hasn’t had a black female cast member since Maya Rudolph’s departure in 2007. One of the night’s highlights? A parody of a parody. Ylvis’ “The Fox” got the “SNL” treatment, with a Digital Short-esque video called “What Does My Girl Say” that references a fighting ...
02:51 中文字幕What Does My Girl Say -SNL 2017-01-05 01:58 4.73秒 三阶魔方世界纪录再度被菲神改写 2016. 2016-12-17 05:21 日本英语老师教外国人说英语,笑到抽筋 2016-12-11 02:16 《蜘蛛侠:归来》首曝预告 妇联抢银行 2016-12-11 02:26 【漫威】漫威几个逗逼来比舞 everybody一起嗨 2016-12...
When Chedda was asked about his favorite rappers, he responded, “I’d say me, Jason Derulo, Dixie D’Amelio, and what’s she called… that insurance girl… you know that thing where she like, ‘Nationwide is on your side!’”
影片里不时出现暴怒女友的常见台词,像是「那个贱人是谁?」、「一看就知道是小三!」相信看影片的男生女生,都很有共鸣吧? 看完这部影片,保证接下来三天内,大家的脑中会不时迸出这首歌的旋律,还有凯莉华盛顿动感的舞蹈,来,跟着妞编辑一起大喊,「What does my girl say」!
这是第十集吗?连英文字幕都没完全听不懂啊不过这几天被《What Does My Girl Say》循环洗脑了 sxwysgqxxqqyst Chicken 13 额呵呵 SuperRadish west 11 喵星人好评(◕(ェ)◕) 青年 11 头像了 百度帐号 二维码下载贴吧客户端 贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 页面意见反馈 贴吧举报...
All of which to say, “Hey, Soul Sister” is a terrible embarrassment, and calling that out isn’t grounds for accusations of joke theft. Even Fields acknowledged that fact, admitting in his Insta that, “Maybe it was parallel thinking.” ...