这是上周SNL Weekend Update里的一句玩笑,还是挺说明问题的。Michael Che说如果Kevin Hart都不能主持奥斯卡,那黑人谐星就都算了吧。我个人虽然不太欣赏Kevin的风格,但确实没几个段子手能全面正确不偏科的。至于黑人笑星,我觉得学院请得动的话,Will Smith或许可以?Michael Che: "If Kevin Hart isn’t clean enough...
【Billy】SNL..本期Bill演的不算多。但是做了Weekend update! 先是演了开场,先来看看吧! Bill演一名a la bo记者憨傻的对着Yemen总统——Fred笑~ 话说Bill学口音真是绝了~哈哈~
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfhQyKltB9Y 《周末新闻》主播Colin Jost和Micheal Che为您带来本周最热的新闻,比如狗主人质疑狂犬病疫苗安全性,国家无胸罩日等。周六夜现场 SNL | S49 Weekend Update: California’s Ebony Alerts, National No Bra Day 展开更多 ...
'SNL' Weekend Update on Trump headlines and the Supreme Court's Broadway era "Because no one on Earth has taken up more of our goddamn time." 12/15/2024 By Chase DiBenedetto Trending on Mashable NYT Connections hints today: Clues, answers for February 15, 2025 Everything you need to...
I’d only done pieces at the “Weekend Update” desk where you’re looking into one camera. For as many times as I’d written and produced sketches on the show, I had never had to be in a sketch that I’d written or a sketch that I didn’t write. And I remember asking I ...
Weekend Update Colin Jost and Michael Che kicked things off with a round of election jokes aimed at the usual suspects (Donald Trump, Ben Carson, and Jeb Bush), then it was on to Congress’s handling of the lack of gun control in America. “It would be like if you called an extermi...
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