7374 4 7:09 App SNL | 特朗普 v 妮基黑莉 CNN模仿秀During Trump Town Hall 10.4万 323 6:15 App 【SNL49中字】究竟什么烂梗,让老柴听了都直摇头? 一周没品新闻 Weekend Update 2023.10.21 12.8万 79 3:07 App 艳星因支持哈马斯被《花花公子》开除? 美国名流笑话 S49E01 SNL Weekend Update 10.7万...
After the town-hall moderators correct the stand-in Trump, Haley asks, “Are you doing OK, Donald? You might need a mental-competency test.” Trump has boasted that he has “aced” cognitive tests in the past, and Johnson’s Trump told Haley: “You know what I did. ...
This type of misdirection remained prevalent throughout the cold open, especially as they cut away to different clips of James Austin Johnson as Trump, rambling in town hall interviews and dancing at rallies to music that, Harris points out, has serious homoerotic undertones. “Look, he can dan...
Biden also mocked GOP nominee Donald Trump, who ended a town hall the night before in the Philadelphia suburbs by cutting short an audience Q&A to instead sway to music for more than half an hour. “He stood on the stage for 30 minutes and danced," Biden said. "I’m ...
Maya Rudolph as Kamala Harris, Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump, Kate McKinnon as Savannah Guthrie, and Jim Carrey as Joe Biden during the SNL "Dueling Town Halls" Cold Open on Saturday, October 17, 2020.Will Heath/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images ...
President Donald Trump is a recurring recipient of “SNL” treatment, even before he was elected. Hammond, Alec Baldwin and now James Austin Johnson have become Trump. Jason Sudeikis, Jim Carrey and Johnson have all played President Biden. And don’t forget Tina Fey’s S...
President Donald Trump is a recurring recipient of “SNL” treatment, even before he was elected. Hammond, Alec Baldwin and now James Austin Johnson have become Trump. Jason Sudeikis, Jim Carrey and Johnson have all played President Biden. And don't fo...
SNL's cold open had a surprise guest this week: Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley. The sketch riffed on Donald Trump's South Carolina Town Hall with James Austin Johnson reprising his impression of the former president and current presidential candidate. At the tail end, Haley (posed...
SEE ALSO: 'Daily Show' mocks Trump's very weird 40-minute dance during town hall Alec Baldwin stepped in to play Fox News's Bret Baier, who tried to grill Harris in their 1-on-1 interview. Throughout the sketch, Baier continuously interrupted Harris, with the clear goal of making the...
“Tonight, I’m going to do three things. I’m going to huff. I’m going to puff. I’m going to blow this whole thing,” Baldwin, as Trump, said in the sketch. Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton Town Hall Debate Cold Open - SNLbySaturday Night LiveonYouTube ...