A hilarious line-up of skits follows. In "Bronx Beat," New Yorkers Betty Caruso (Amy Poehler) and Jodi Deitz (Maya Rudolph) fixate on the non-New-York accent of Caruso's mother (White), as well as her young yoga instructor boyfriend. In "Census Taker vs. Old Lady," White's chara...
The Taco bell commercial was probably a skit Andy always wanted to do, but it got shot down, when he was on. So they let him do it when he was the Host. I mean, last night was pretty good, excellent when compared to more recent outings. But SNL seems like it is written to ...
Adam Sandlerwas three seasons into his stint as aSaturday Night Livecast member when he found himself with a glut of material that pushed the limits of what could be shown on television. "There were skits and songs and stuff that I wanted to do but didn't think I could get onSNLbecaus...
Adam Sandlerwas three seasons into his stint as aSaturday Night Livecast member when he found himself with a glut of material that pushed the limits of what could be shown on television. "There were skits and songs and stuff that I wanted to do but didn't think I could get onSNLbecaus...
Kendrick was terrifically funny mimicking Ke$ha, Selena Gomez and especially Britney Spears in a skit that imagined a deluded Ariel thinking the voices of today’s Auto-Tuned pop stars would offer the best trade with sea witch Ursula for a pair of legs. Bonus points for Jay Pharoah’s ridi...
The “Sad Mouse” skit was fantastic. It almost made me feel, at first, that I was watching an episode of Louie without Louis C.K. It was completely different then what you usually see on SNL: it had heart. I’ll admit, I teared up a bit at the end. The Pandora skit was ...