SNL 是音乐人唱功的过滤器 SNL = Saturday Night Live 中文一般翻译为 週六夜現場 下面是来自于wiki 的介绍 SNL是美国一档于周六深夜时段直播的喜剧小品类综艺节目。节目由洛恩·迈克尔斯创立,并由迪克·埃伯索尔发展。节目于1975年10月11日在全国广播公司首播,原名《NBC的周末...
In his opening monologue, Murphy explained that Nolte was “sick” and couldn't host, closing with, “Live from New York, it’s the Eddie Murphy Show.” The rest of the cast was not happy at all. Saturday Night Live also ranks on... #57 The 400+ Funniest TV Shows Ever...
In his opening monologue, Murphy explained that Nolte was “sick” and couldn't host, closing with, “Live from New York, it’s the Eddie Murphy Show.” The rest of the cast was not happy at all. Saturday Night Live also ranks on... #95 The Best TV Shows Of The Past...
Patti Smith became one of New York City punk rock’s founding figures with her debut album “Horses.” Throughout her career, Smith remained one of the foremost activist voices in music, and always seemed up for pushing against the grain. In 2017, Smith won the National Book Award for her...
这篇文章是我在wiki fandom上面翻到的,比较详细地介绍了The Strokes的职业生涯以及他们在SNL的几次公开表演。读起来不是很费劲,所以在翻译完之后我把原文也一起贴上来了。 The Strokes are an American rock band from Manhattan, New York. Formed in 1998, the band is composed of singer Julian Casablancas,...
'Tourists'(Mooney, McKinnon, Bennett, Theron, Pharoah, Moynihan) This was almost sad. Like, not in a bad way sad, but all of the “people on the street” that the disguised cast interacted with seemedso niceandso friendly. See! New York isn’t mean. It made me happy to live here...
In his opening monologue, Murphy explained that Nolte was “sick” and couldn't host, closing with, “Live from New York, it’s the Eddie Murphy Show.” The rest of the cast was not happy at all. Saturday Night Live also ranks on... #14 The 50+ Best TV Shows With 10...
In his opening monologue, Murphy explained that Nolte was “sick” and couldn't host, closing with, “Live from New York, it’s the Eddie Murphy Show.” The rest of the cast was not happy at all. Saturday Night Live also ranks on... #95 The Best TV Shows Of The Past...
In his opening monologue, Murphy explained that Nolte was “sick” and couldn't host, closing with, “Live from New York, it’s the Eddie Murphy Show.” The rest of the cast was not happy at all. Pharoah’s Slip to the Press About a Black Female Cast Member Was an Acci...