黎明前的宁 - 【美国总统上综艺】唐纳德·特朗普 - 周六夜现场 Donald Trump - SNL
黎明前的宁 - 【美国总统上综艺】唐纳德·特朗普 - 周六夜现场 Donald Trump - SNL
詹姆斯·奥斯汀·约翰逊(James Austin Johnson)扮演的唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)总统,在与乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelenskyy)的会面中,得到了杨伯文(Bowen Yang)扮演的副总统JD·万斯(JD Vance)的支持。在上周五真实的会面中,泽连斯基与这两人就结束由美国支持的俄乌战争展开了激烈的讨论。
Donald Trump has lashed out at two of his most prolific celebrity critics during an interview on Thursday, labelling Madonna 'disgusting' and Saturday Night Live a 'failing disgrace'.The president sat down with Fox's Sean Hannity to appear on his namesake show, his second interview since taking...
Enter Donald Trump (Johnson), interrupting the musical number like a record scratch. "Never say never," Johnson's Trump told the SNL audience, as Miranda and the Season 50 cast froze behind him. "Kidding, of course — though in many ways I'm not. I'm in my king era." ...
乔·拜登唐纳德·约翰·特朗普(Donald J. Trump)金·凯瑞(Jim Carrey)周六夜现场 第三十八季(综艺)影视综艺 写下你的评论... 126 条评论 默认 最新 La deCo 金凯瑞模仿的拜登面部表情简直一模一样 2020-10-26·热评 知乎用户RrEhIV 可他的行为跟川普更搭。
唐纳德·约翰·特朗普(Donald J. Trump)2020 年美国大选影视综艺周六夜现场 第三十八季(综艺) 写下你的评论... 162 条评论 默认 最新 叶小胖 每次大选必有的加拿大梗。。。 2020-11-02·热评 jack 本来就是美国的一个州 2021-09-29 回复5 ...
Baldwin then calls a string of his other administration members and family: Aidy Bryant’s Attorney General William Barr; Beck Bennett’s Vice President Mike Pence; and Alex Moffat and Mikey Day’s Donald Trump Jr. a...
"If I were to run, I'd run as a Republican. hey're the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox lews. I could lie and they'd still eat it up I bet my numbers would be terrific.” Donald Trump People Magazine.1998...
This holiday season, some may be wishing for a world without Donald Trump as President— even Trump himself. Or at least that’s the tale behind the Saturday Night Live cold open last night. The cast of SNL r...