Hey Guys! First of all let me introduce myself (It's not a show-off!), so you can see i'm not the random guy on the forum who plays for 2 months and thinks he knows everything and wants to tell everyone how things should be in the game I have been playin
Hi, i played a sniper last with patch 3.0, maybe im blind or i didnt found one but has someone a pve build for the mm sniper? The Combat Profiencies would be enough the rotion i wanna figure out myself
EditedSeptember 22, 2020by JediQuaker 6 months later... All Activity Home English Combat Styles Gunslinger / Sniper How Does the Sniper Siege Tactical Work?
Hello friends! I just made a thread covering the Gunslinger's sharpshooter skill tree, so if any of you snipers are interested: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=640261.
- Raw Ambush have lower dmg vs Lazed "Critical" Snipe - only Critical Ambush will make Lazed Snipe obsolete but at current tier while we have 28-30% chance of crit hit ,you are putting too much pressure on Gods - while Ambush have 2sec cast , Lazed Snipe can be executet in 1.5s...
So, I've been playing my gunslinger for a bit now. level 26. and I can handle normal mobs ok, but I keep having to use recuperate fairly regularly. Im decently geared, done a few heroics and am using mods on my gun to keep strong. My biggest issue is I d
Which was also confirmed by players in-game who were waiting for the fix: https://forums.swtor.com/topic/921948-no-rested-xp-earned-while-logged-out/?do=findComment&comment=9714633 So do you recall when was the last time you played/logged that 'gunslinger' toon of yours? Was it prior ...
Suggestion - Make Ambush instant upon entering cover. How - This ability can be unlocked via tactical, implant or load out.
Series of shots does not trigger dots, so don't bother unless you need a timing filler or fast finisher. I also only bother with suppressive fire now when mobs are too spread out, or am just goofing off soloing a heroic. Just be aware that when the target goes down, the cast time ...