“Go frosty with the new FREE Winter Weapons Skin Pack for Sniper Elite 5.” ¥ 42.00 发布于 2022 年 11 月 29 日 “Conqueror, the thrilling new mission for Sniper Elite 5, takes you to the town of Falaise as the retreating Nazi forces have dug in to make their last stand at the...
Sniper Elite 5 | SaboteurDLC & Free No-Cross Map May 23rd 2023 Snipers, your loadout is due an upgrade. 🔫💥 TheSaboteur Weapon & Skin Packintroduces two brand new devastating weapons to your arsenal. Including the lightweight, rapid fire TERA rifle and the versatile, low-recoil Grease...
SNIPER ELITE 5 | Rough Landing DLC Mission & Free Trench Warfare Weapons Pack March 3rd 2023 Snipers, Sniper Elite 5 Season Pass Two has LANDED! We're kick-starting the season with the thrilling new campaign mission ‘Rough Landing’ as well as two authentically recreated iconic weapons, ...
Strike fear into the heart of your enemies with the brand new Saboteur Weapon & Skin Pack including 2 new weapons and an epic French Resistance-inspired Liberator character skin.
Go frosty with the new FREE Winter Weapons Skin Pack for Sniper Elite 5. This free pack gives you the option to apply an Arctic paint scheme to all your in-game weapons, giving them a distinct winter camouflage look. Your enemies will be frozen with fear, that’s if they even see you...
送TA礼物 1楼2022-12-10 04:06回复 赌赌赌赌赌赌赌赌赌圣 闻名一方 11 私聊发你 来自Android客户端2楼2022-12-10 10:16 回复 Eureka310 锋芒毕露 3 这个狙击精英5不是早就有了吗?记得DLC有个是杀死希特勒。这个版本有什么不同? 来自iPhone客户端3楼2022-12-10 12:06 回复 ...
【『Sniper Elite 5』PS4/PS5亚洲中文版DLC兑换问题公告】『Sniper Elite 5』标准版和豪华版的PSN序号成功换领后无法正常使用的问题已修正。 如先前未兑换DLC的玩家,现在可以按正常程序于PS Store 内进行兑换...
『Sniper Elite 5』标准版和豪华版的PSN序号成功换领后无法正常使用的问题已修正。 如先前未兑换DLC的玩家,现在可以按正常程序于PS Store 内进行兑换。而早前已兑换DLC的玩家,则会于PSN帐户收到由PlayStation官方发出的最新兑换代码,如未能成功收到代码,请联络PlayStation Support协助。 有关是次问题而造成不便,我们...
最新的賽季通行證二中,有兩款全新武器以及卡爾的•解放者外觀(卡爾) 黃油槍及二式步槍現在都已經可以於你的武器庫中取得。1 型二式步槍是改良版的輕型 38 步槍,最早是設計給日本傘兵使用。折疊式槍托使二式步槍更易於攜帶,並且能以極快的速度裝備和瞄準。極小的後座
steam上 Sni..我断手直接买了这个包 不知道是不是只有这个季度能用这些DLC 还是永久使用 上面写的是SEASON PASS