docker-compose.yaml 资源清单文件 version: '3' services: snipeit: container_name: snipeit image: snipe/snipe-it:v6.1.0 restart: always ports: - "80:80" volumes: - /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai:/etc/localtime - ./logs:/var/www/html/storage/logs - ./snipe-vol:/var/lib/snipeit...
运行web 服务器 docker start snipe-it 我把他改成了对应的docker-compose 文件, 有几个小小的心得记录一下 首先,我把snipe/snipe-it 这个镜像文件重新用Dockerfile写了一遍,目的是加入docker-compose-wait的这个小插件,这样我可以指定等待Mysql数据库完全起来之后,再执行...
snipeit: build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile.alpine container_name: snipeit ports: - "8000:80" volumes: - ./logs:/var/www/html/storage/logs depends_on: - mariadb - redis env_file: - .env.docker networks: - snipeit-backend mariadb: image: mariadb:10.6.4-focal volumes: - db...
1、创建docker-compose.yaml version: '3' services: snipeit: container_name: snipeit image: snipe/snipe-it:v6.1.2 restart: always ports: - "8000:80" volumes: - ./logs:/var/www/html/storage/logs depends_on: - mysql env_file: - .env.docker networks: - snipeit-backend mysql: image: ...
unicode_ci networks: - snipeit-backend # 使用 snipeit-backend 网络networks: snipeit-backend: # Snipe-IT 和 MySQL 服务共用的网络#确保当前在/root/snipe_it目录下创建docker-compose.yml文件中所需要的.env.docker配置依赖 touch .env.docker#生成APP_KEY值docker run --rm snipe/snipe-it#你...
将下面代码复制到docker-compose.yml中保存即可 version:'3'services:# Snipe-IT 服务配置snipeit:container_name:snipeitimage:snipe/snipe-it:latest # 使用最新版 Snipe-IT 镜像restart:always # 总是在容器退出时重启ports:-"8000:80"# 映射容器端口 80 到主机端口 8000volumes:-/usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/...
.env.docker Fixed #16054: fix incorrect compose service name in the APP_KEY genera… 29天前 .env.dusk.example Switch to nb-NO from no-NO 7个月前 .env.example Pull backup:clean settings into config 1个月前 .env.testing-ci Update mailer configurations for Symfony mailer ...
Docker Compose version v2.25.0 安装snipe-IT 创建新的目录,用于存放Snipe-IT的配置文件和数据 [root@snipe-IT ~]# mkdir snipeit [root@snipe-IT ~]# cd snipeit 创建一个名为docker-compose.yml的文件, [root@snipe-IT snipeit]# touch docker-compose.yml ...
Here is the docker compose file, I'm using Cloudflare Tunnel to connect the system to the Internet with SSL. volumes: db_data: storage: services: app: image: snipe/snipe-it:${APP_VERSION:-v6.4.1} restart: always volumes: - ./storage:/var/lib/snipeit ...
docker-compose for snipe-it Setup Create APP_KEY $ docker-compose run --rm appPlease re-run this container with an environment variable $APP_KEYAn example APP_KEY you could use is:[YOUR APP_KEY (notice: contains base64:)]$ docker-compose down ...